Weather Related Issues


Designated Acronym-Nazi
Jul 23, 2017
Flint, Michigan
What with the weather being central to our great sport, I've entered a new topic, wish it could've been more toward the top of forum ladder.
Looks like Hurricane Irma has southern Florida fixed firmly in the cross-hairs. This, along with the Hurricane Center's consensus that this storm will take a northerly track up the Carolinas. Prayers and good wishes go out to the good people of our southern Atlantic Coastline. May the Wrens event have fair and gentle winds, with no problematic aftermaths.
Good luck Miami,FLA ! And all of Florida !
The NOAA 9/8/2017 5PM EDT advisory shows Irma skirting the Florida West Coast.
This could be extremely dangerous; A wind speed of 150 mph exerts a dynamic pressure of ~56 lb/ft².
Best wishes for all our brothers and sisters in Florida and along Irmas path!!
It seems gyroland Florida will get whipped very badly . . .to all our friends out there, be safe and God bless you!
Please do communicate as the Thing goes by . . Jake Jacobs will be closest or at the eye, Immokalee, La Belle, Wauchula, Boyette Camp and all others, I wish the best to all of you!