Roll over, blade damage, on Mars


Supreme Allied Gyro CFI
Oct 21, 2006
Colorado front range
Bell 47G-3B-1, A&S 18A, Phoebus C, SGS 1-26A, etc.
Total Flight Time
rather a lot
Looks like the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars has had a landing incident, and won't fly again. No nose wheel to blame this time.

Living long past its design lifetime, the Ingenuity helicopter was finally done in by rotor damage during a presumed off-kilter landing.
Sound like a good excuse to stop having to fake flight videos.....
Not that I am jaded, or anything.....
Looks like the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars has had a landing incident, and won't fly again. No nose wheel to blame this time.

Living long past its design lifetime, the Ingenuity helicopter was finally done in by rotor damage during a presumed off-kilter landing.
To my understanding, since all landings are blind it was just a matter of time whereas one of the legs would come in contact with a rock or something elevated on the surface to cause the craft to tilt. A second scenario would be to land too close to a big enough rock to have one of the blades make contact.

The project exceeded all expectations so that is a big win in the continued exploration of Mars.

"JPL done good!"
