Special Tools to build Sparrow Hawk


Scott Dutra
Mar 15, 2004
Centerville, MA
Working on it
Total Flight Time
None yet
Jim, or anyone who is building one, could you tell me if there are any special tools I would need to get if I were to purchase one of your kits? How long does it take to get shipped once the order is placed? I remember seeing a post on a backlog and was wondering if that was taken care of?
Thanks Jim, it's been very interesting seeing the posts on your machine. I hope all goes well for you in this endever. My goal is to get my training and after flying for a while get my CFI so I can also train. There seems to be a lack of trainers in my area. Closest is in NY and I'm from NH.

Re:Special Tools to build Sparrow Hawk

Hi Scott,

I am building a SparrowHawk. Jim may have some additional thoughts but here is what I found that I needed so far. I bought a small drill press for about $260. You have some holes up to 3.75 inches. A small drill press makes the job easy. It's possible to drill the holes with a hand drill but I don't think I would want to try it. I had an old air-compressor and added a reserve tank for $40. I bought a rivit puller and a drill from Aircraft Spruce to use with the compressor. You will need a solid rivit tool and a good torque wrench also. You gotta to have a good set of levels and a large square. I think the rest of the tools are more common. Devon Hanson at 1-801-973-0177 has tried to put together a complete list. He would be happy to email you that list.

I am just finishing the prep on the tail assembly and the cabin and will start painting next Monday. After painting I will have the engine to mount and the electical to finish up. And then test flights begin. If you would like me to post pix's let me know.

Re:Special Tools to build Sparrow Hawk


I hope your new Sparrowhawk comes out as nice as your modified RAF. I was flying your machine (26AV) at AAI last week before Moose arrived and really enjoyed it (except the stiff rudders).

This week I have been in N9741- I flew 2 hours of day XC today and a 2 hour night flight tonight and hope to take my flight test with Jim this week.

Rob Dubin
Re:Special Tools to build Sparrow Hawk

He Rob, that's great.

Aussie Paul.
Re:Special Tools to build Sparrow Hawk

Randy, I'd love to see some pictures of your Sparrow Hawk as you build it. It would give me something to go on as I prepare to build as well. It'll be a few months before I am financially ready to order the kit but wanted to get a feel for what else I might need to put together this kit. Thanks for all your input. You can either post the pictures to this site or email them to me direct at [email protected]
