Taking the plunge


Gold Supporter
Jun 12, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
RAF 2000 GTX SE and Air Command Elite
Total Flight Time
I've been a voyer in this forum for several months now and it's time to come out of the closet.

My name is Tommy, born in Atlanta, 61, mostly retired and now living in nortwest Florida.

From the time I was around 10 and first saw a picture of the Benson gyrocopter in the back of Mechanics Illustrated, I have fanticized about flying in one. After discovering the Rotary Wing Forum several months ago and reading everything you guys have said, I've a lot about gyros; the mechanics and the theory of flight in them.

Recently, I got a wild hair, grabbed the wife and drove to Brewton Alabama whre I took a test flight with Dofin Fritts. From that moment on, I've thought of little else.

I found a 2003 RAF with 120 hours in south Georgia, dragged it to Brewton to be checked out by Dophin and upon his word, inked the deal with the owner. Dofin has diassembled, inspected, cleaned her up replacing bearings, belts, cables, etc. etc. over the last couple of months and we are now ready to be inspected. Once that is done, I start training.

I've attached a pre-rehab photo and will take more as I become familiar with the machine and flying it.

Thanks to you guys for sharing all of the knowledge you've accumulated through your experiences.


  • Taking the plunge
    RAF 2000 GTX.JPG
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Welcome My Friend

Welcome My Friend


Looks like a sharp machine and even has a HS, very good!
excellent welcome.

I have a question perhaps RAf out there can help.

I have aguy that wnat me to sell his RAF. is an old model with brand new blades and rotore hub in box. DOnt have Horizontal Stab he wants 15K is this a resonable price to be asking for?


That is a very good price for a RAF that is put togeather. I have seen them for as much as 45,000 US. Alot of it depends on the electronics that go with it. The number of hours and how it has been maintain. The base price on the kit is 24,700 US

good luck

Tommy very nice machine. looks like it will be a great flyer. Hope to be reading of you flying it soon and sending pics of the fun you are haveing with it. you should try and come out to Rotor over Carolinas oct. 10-15 in Aiken s.c. their will be several RAF's there and gyro CFI's not to mention it is a great fly-in and a great way to meet everyone.

right now my plans are to go down on friday.
Welcome, Tommy. Good to have another gyro in the panhandle. Pretty soon we can start having our own flyins. Good luck with the lessons.
Welcome Sir!
Thanks to all of you for your encouragement.

I start training on Thursday with Dofin. I'm very excited. The more I read in this forum, the more I realize that owning and flying a gyro is more than just knowing how to hold the stick and how many rpms are needed for lift off.

I'm ready.
Tommy, Welcome to GyroNut World!

Tell Dofin and Marisa that Sunstate Rotor Club says We Miss Them!

Take your time and know you got it. I am not a pilot, but being around the GyroNuts has me in the back seat. Hope to meet ya at BD Days in Wauchula, FL in April 2007. MJ :)
Maybe Tommy will fly down to BDays 2007. I can give ground support along the way down.
Being a newbie here, can you guys tell me about BDays in April 2007? I know it's in Wauchula, FL and hopefully, I'll have my license by then.
Wauchula Fly inn

Wauchula Fly inn

Chapter 26 is having its monthly fly in at Wauchula Airport this month. Its Saturday the 21st although the PRA website says its at Labelle. Any interest in joining us?
Bensen Days is the 2nd largest gyro event of the year (if Mentone is bigger). It's also the first big fly-in of the year. Officially it runs from a Wed-Sun but just like ROC people start showing up at the beginning of the week. If you don't have your license yet you can hitch a ride down with me. I'll be towing my gyro down. Do a search for "Bensen Days" on the forum and you'll find some threads with photos. You can also check out some of the videos from this year at:



