The making of Behemot


I have to say you have one of the most unique tails I have ever seen.

Man.............. I just can't wait to see it all together.
Worry not! I've got you covered. All musicians tend to make true/false tests that follow a particular tune. In Gabor's case, I have intelligence that suggests a quiz regarding his machine would follow "Inna-Godda-Da-Vida" (Led Zeppelin). True, True, False-False-False, True (and so on). :D

Jon, I know you are more bluegrass and country than rock, so you are excused, but Iron Butterfly did that tune. Which sort of describes Gabors build also.

EGAD! Something really Freudian there. I assure you I do know better.

For the record, I do play Bluegrass and Country..but I was playing rock long before I ever picked up the banjo. Solo electric guitar just doesn't fit all that well at campfires. The band I am currently with plays rock and blues.

I will make the appropriate edit. Thank you for a good catch!
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after the tail art I am just going to clearcoat it. Enough for today it is too hot to do anything..........
Gabor, take my advice, clear coat it first,then do the tail art.
that will protect your red color should you have to sand the tail art off for some reason.

I good clear coat will give you a barrier to protect the red that can be sanded if needed and then will give you an even deeper shine when you clear over the tail art.
beware of gyro eating

beware of gyro eating

Now that is a serious in your face red. With Florida as a major beef state just choose your field for the engine out carefully Gabor.

Actually I would reckon your pretty safe, it's Birdy's moos that would be the dangerous ones, these Floridian one's just amble around eating and sitting in the ponds.
What no Gyro eating cows in Fla.?


  • The making of Behemot
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Now that looks SWEET!!!!!
I thought batman's suit was black. Isn't red the Flash's color?

Oh..wait...I retract that. I saw what happened to Grant "boobs" comment and the LAST thing we need is a gyro flasher. Forget I said anything...talking among yourselves....mingle....
Don't feel bad about growing those things Gabor. I use to weight lift….had a great body….looked like Superman should look….almost. My pecks were big and hard….now they are just big. ;).
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Nice work there :)

I've painted just enough stuff to understand exactly how much of a pain it is to get it looking really good.
Wow, from zero to hero. Looking great, can't wait for the rest to happen.
I assume, you start at the beginning again, mining for bauxit, developing aluminium extraction and finally make your own aircraft grade aluminium profiles by hand?

At the rate your are picking things up and develop on your own I expect a Space Shuttle replacement in your garage by late next year.

Gabor- That is a work of art! Man, you are going to have a showstopper when you are done. Is there anything you do thaat isn't 1st class? Proud of ya. Stan
Gabor, don't wrap it up too soon! That paint still has to cure for at least 30 days, If you wrap it up now you'll ruin it. Take my word on this please. I was painting cars when I was 17, I have painted numerous motorcycles, custom helmets and airbrush work.......
Now you know why I don't do it any more, I was going broke! People won't pay for what the time is worth.That is why I started painting bikes instead of cars, I got paid the same and it was less work. :D
Nice job especially for your fist attempt, very nice.
Gabor, cover you tail with a 400 thread count Egyptian cotton sheet....
Just kidding, But it does take some time for the paint to gas out even with the catalyst.
The sun will help, but will also fade, as red is an unstable color, just leave it in the garage.
Put your nose on the paint, if it smells like paint, it still needs to cure, usually about 30 days, then you can wax it.
the polished aluminum will oxidize over time, it will just need to be re polished or you can check out all the cool stuff from
Anyhow it is looking good, One day I will paint my gyro, and it will have awesome airbrushed graphics and color changing paint...but I need time for all that so I guess it will continue to be a test mule for some time. :)
Okay Scott….I am at a loss as to how Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) can keep the aluminum shining….

The red paint will fade even though it is clear coated?...that sucks!
There has been a serious amount of work put in on that tail, but then a pretty tail deserves that. You really have made that one come out nice Gabor. It was as much fun to follow as your stick and as unique when it finally took shape

As Stan said this is serious crafting and each little piece comes over as an individual piece of art. Can't wait to see the mythical beast go up on on the tail, but guess we will all have to hold our breath for the next month...except for Gabor who will be sniffing it to see if it has cured yet.

Those gyro eating cows were something else Tim, actually rather nice looking as cows go. Sad to see the gyro though.

I thought you had some wheels that I saw you show us a ways back? Big sturdy looking things.