Peak Flying on a calm day


Shawn Adams
Nov 29, 2004
Jacksonville, OR
Air Command Elite 503 DCDI Sport Rotors - Cesnna 152-172 - R44 - MD500D/E - QuickSilver MXLII Sport
Total Flight Time
220 Fixed Wing - 3000+ gyro 600+ Helicopter
I love this peak.. There is an old torn up American Flag that has been there forever.. The winds usually favor me just hovering next to it, but they were a bit calm today, but I made a few slow passes at it... It's such a great spot... Really high and steep all around.

Peak Flying in my AutoGyro - YouTube
That's a cool little hill. The distortion from your lens is so strong that it's hard to get a good feel for what the surrounding terrain looks like, but it appears to be some good looking country. That sure does a good job of showing the open air type of flying, that is what makes flying Gyro's so different from flying in a fiwed wing cabin class aircraft. Very Cool!!!