Mentone BroadBand Wireless Free Internet is UP


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
2-place Air Command CLT SxS (project), & Twinstarr Autogyro
Total Flight Time
750+hrs and climbing
Just got broadband connected via MAN from PRA HQ through high speed WDS bridge to the tower to WiFi from the tower.

Might slow down when we get alot of people downloading but right now I am 1000 feet from the tower and the connection is fast enough to watch videos...

Good job, Tim!!

The wireless is working great.

The computer I donated for public use 2 years ago (for people that did not bring a computer with them) is pretty toasty. HD is dead and so is NIC.

I am scrounging parts now. Hopefully, it will be working in a day or two.

Wifi works well...

Wifi works well...

Hi Tim, after your superb fly-in today, you worked really hard to get the WiFi set up in the hangar and tower.
It works great... Thank you very much..:wave:

All the best

Jim Graham
We need to meet with Bill and Jennifer to get a static display setup for the RC stuff!
Thank you Tim!!!!
The crappy power in the tower fried 2 of my G mimo wireless bridges tonight.

Internet is back up now but the range is diminished. Will need a UPS before I spend any more money on equipment to be installed in the tower.

There is a public use computer in the hangar. It is working now but another brown-out and we might be down to internet just around the headquarters building.

