I am offended that your offended.


Former Gyro know it all
Oct 29, 2003
Fort Mill South Carolina
Vans RV4 / Dominator 582 Ultrawhite
Total Flight Time
Just want to say that some of you people are big pussies. Too easily offended. Grow a set and get over it.
Hmmm...Did you read another chapter in "How To Win Friends and Influence People" last night?! :D

Cheers :)
I think Ron has plenty of friends and does not want anymore.
I am offended that I have not been paying enough attention to know what offended Ron because someone was offended.

I think.

But what is this even referring to?!?!?
I hesitate to speak for Ron as I often don’t understand his point of view.

Ron’s “Christmas in the hood” seems to be gone.

I did not have anything to do with its removal, I remained silent.

I felt it was in poor taste and I do not morn it’s passing.

Thank you, Vance
Just want to say that some of you people are big pussies. Too easily offended. Grow a set and get over it.

Maybe Ron had too much pre christmas egg nog with some of ali's juice. Maybe he is compeating with Heron for un-understandable posts? Just kidding Ron,No one can compete with Heron!!
Someone obviously made a big enough stink over my Christmas in da hood post that Gyromike deleted the whole thread.

This is not the first time either....

had my storm trooper avatar deleted cause someone was offended.

Had my Ghetto Delta cartoon video deleted cause someone was offended

Heck over the years I have had many things just simply disappear off the forum cause some sissypants complained to GyroMike about it enough to make him go to the hassle of deleting it.

Am I trying to win friends and influence people? Hell no. I don't need those kinds of friends that have no sence of humor or are so dried up and empty that they would go to the trouble to make a stink over a stupid little posting in the OFF TOPIC section that was posted as something funny, not something hateful or racist.

And what the heck is the off topic section for if you can't post stuff there without being censored cause people are offended? Why would you even go to the off topic section if your easily offended???

I am not racist in any way. I was here defending minoritys, and gays, here in the pre election policitical threads that were choking up the bandwidth on the forum for months. But yet I post a stupid little poem that someone sent me on a email, and someone makes a stink and at least one other accuses me of being a KKK member.

anyway, it isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, just disappointed that GyroMike gives into the cry babies. There is a TON of stuff posted here that could be seen as offensive and it gets me wound up when it is my stuff that ends up trashcanned and yet there is so much other junk on here that seems to slide on by....
Maybe Ron had too much pre christmas egg nog with some of ali's juice. Maybe he is compeating with Heron for un-understandable posts? Just kidding Ron,No one can compete with Heron!!

Bud, I simply choose not to read Herons posts. It is not that he offends me, it is that he is un-understandable. There are alot of people on this forum that post stuff that I have no interest in reading. I just ingore it. And I do not expect everyone here to read my posts. There is no rule that says you must read every post posted daily on the forum.

And common sence tells you that you do not even dare get on the internet period if your easily offended, there is simply too much out there that IS offensive.

Perhaps if your easily offended, people should just put me on their ignore lists, cause I have a twisted sence of humor and I find stuff like " Christmas in da hood " funny. Most of the people I consider friends also have a sence of humor and would not have gotten offended by that.

Anyway ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGDpzqs3vYg
. . .get out of the kitchen!
Ron, you are not fair when you ask someone to fight you with weapons only you have, so if you are swinggng your balls around, those scrotum challenged will swing something else.
I did not read the Hood thing, I don´t like it and don´t care what others will post here, it is free and it shows who we are, out of friendship or camaraderie I will turn a blind eye to some extent. so it wasn´t me the complaining voice.
Now, we have moderators and they acted as their duties command, now you are venting your frustration.
Comparing the political discussion with your prank is proper of someone with your educational background.
After you get over with you will realise your importance in this Forum and become once again that happy Ron we all love.
You got hit by the scissors like you do sometimes to others.
Heron (The King of puzzles) :D
Yup it seems like the only jokes you can laugh at now days are "redneck " jokes,
that is OK so far. Until the rednecks feel violated by the jokes, I would urge anyone who was offended to watch the news in
Atlanta, Charlotte, Macon, etc, after a couple of interviews, The Christmas poem posted by Ron would look like a true literary work of art, compared to real life.
It is a dang shame that someone has to bother the administrator, That is the kind of thing that has ruined this country, freedom of speech is OK as long as you are saying what everyone wants to hear.

Buck up little campers, if you are going to act like this here, back it up, stand up to someone the next time they swear in public, or in the presence of a woman or child.
or your own virgin ears. Cancel your cable or satelite because of the filthy programing,
and tell them such. Take away that crap your kids listen to.

Lighten up...........Don't be a "fairness doctrine" crybaby.

If I offended anyone..........Bite Me! :)
Now I'm OFFENDED! :rant:
I now understand why Ron is on the offensive for being offensive. It is truly an offense when one takes an offensive position hoping not to offend. Then too sometimes an offensive position is best to fend off the offensive, thus being offensive.

Heron will now translate.

Must have been me that fueled it a bit by replying to the Cracker comment and the guy that said we needed spelling lessons.

I don't get offended by words because we were tought that "Sticks And Stones Will Hurt Our Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Us" way way back in kindergarten.

Someone calls me a name, any name, and I just laugh at it and go on.

But on the other hand I will and have told someone to move on when I'm at the gas station or car wash and they are blaring offensive and vulger rap crap from their car when my boy is around.

I know he will hear that stuff one day but overlooking my peacfull day and shoving it down my throat is another ball game.

The way I see it if they didn't like it they didn't have to read it.

It's not like you were blasting it through their aparment walls from your apartment with your 10,000.00 sound system.

Or from your $300.00 car with your $5,000.00 sound system.

It's not about being a sissy or not having balls Ron.

It's about a low life that want's to impose rules on you while saying it's OK for them to say whatever they please.

O'Bama is the best damn thing that ever happened to our country even if he were to resign today.

Think about it for a while!
But if the best offence is a good defence, What we gonna do now?


  • I am offended that your offended.
    45.8 KB · Views: 0
Holy CRAP!

I am OFFENDED!!! I don't know why or about what, but it sure seems to be the thing to do these days. So BACK OFF! Jerks! I'll think of something specific to be pissed off about here in a minute. There seems to be no shortage of reasons to be upset.

That's it!

It ticks me off that there are too many things to be offended about! That REALLY pisses me off! I pity the fool when I find out who is responsible for all these choices. That dude is gonna pay, and they are gonna pay BIG!

Seriously, though.......GROW UP! We are all entitled to our own opinion, our own sense of humor, our own political beliefs, religious beliefs, etc. In this country, we are also supposed to have freedom of speech. This means we can openly profess our opinions and beliefs no matter how offensive, ignorant, or brilliant and insightful they may or may not be. To do that, for that to actually work, those who don't agree with what they see or hear from others has to be adult enough to say to themselves, "I disagree, but that ignoramus is entitled to his opinion," and WALK AWAY.

If you don't agree with someone on this forum, QUIT READING THEIR POSTS. If you don't like what you hear on the radio or TV, change the channel. Pissing and whinning like a baby doesn't cast you in a positive light, it doesn't solve anything, and attempting to surpress others is counter to what this country allegedly believes. People are so friggin thin skinned anymore. What a bunch of little snivelers. Get over yourselves. Jeez.
The issue is not whether somebody is offended.

It may not be immediately obvious, but jokes that demean a target group make it easier for the joke-tellers to think that that group is fair game for more serious stuff... that they're not real people, but just cartoon characters.

Old-time blackface minstrel shows and lynchings were not two phenomena, but ultimately one.

In the case of black Americans, the more "serious stuff" involved such niceties as smashing a black teenager's face in and tossing his body in a swamp, weighed down with a cotton-gin fan. I'm not talking 1875 here, but the mid-50's. His "offense" was giving the wolf-whistle to a pretty white woman.

The perps got a not-guilty verdict from their all-white jury, then sold their story to Look magazine, admitting that they did it. Do a search on "Tebbetts" or "Tibbetts," I forget which, for the details.

So be careful what you joke about.
That story only points out the failures of our justice system. Everybody knows murder is wrong.