the line connecting the teeter bolt and the CG should lean aft at ten degrees, relative to the gyro's horizontal datum line.
Unlike the fixed wing case, the gyro's horizontal CG location does not affect the aircraft's stability (other things do, but that's a separate subject). Instead, the hang test explores whether the frame will ride at a comfortably level stance at cruise, with the wheels about in their on-the-ground orientation, and the controls in the middle of their travel.
If your gyro is "out of hang," it'll ride either nose-down or nose-up, and the stick will be near one end of its travel. If you're way nose-heavy, you're apt to land nosewheel-first, a very squirrelly situation indeed.
All of this assumes that the prop thrustline either runs right through the CG, or, if it's higher (so-called HTL), that a horizontal stabilizer counteracts the prop's tendency to push the nose down. Without an H-stab doing this work, the hang specs need to be altered from the usual ten degrees to something less, or the gyro will ride nose-down. For the sake of stability, it's far better to counteract any nose-down tendency caused by the prop, using an H-stab -- and leave the hang spec at ten-ish degrees.
I'm curious to what is included in your
"(other things do, but that's a separate subject)."
I feel the horizontal CG location is indeed
very critical to the gyro's dynamic stability.
Agree with all you mention about the "10ish degrees" line from the teeter bolt to the CG.
But we need to go a step further.
I specify 11.5° to 12° hang angle on my machines. This assures that the CG is
just ahead of the 10°ish degree line you mention.
All objects will rotate around their CG.
With this configuration, a sudden increase in lift will be pulling up through this 10° line that is
behind the CG. This will cause the aircraft to rotate forward, removing pitch from the blades, returning it to equilibrium.
If a sudden reduction in lift is experienced, just the opposite. the nose of the aircraft will rise, adding pitch to the blade again returning it to equilibrium.
(Dynamically stable)
With a lesser hang angle, a sudden increase in lift will again be pulling up through this 10° line, but which is now
ahead of the CG. This will cause the aircraft to rotate back, adding pitch to the blades, increasing the load even more!
(Dynamically Unstable)
A thrust vector directly through the CG is still stable, but it puts all corrective measures in the pilots hands.
An offset rotor head and trim spring is doing the same thing. (If the pilot allows it to do so).