water damage?

Re: The Old 503

Re: The Old 503

I dunno, from what I read here (IMHO) I'd give it a Sherwin-Williams overhaul and sell it to someone with a go-kart. :D
Here is my new 582 torn apart for inspection. For the most part, looks pretty good. Was flushed out pretty well. Did run into an issue with the piston pin though. For sure the pin and bearings have to be replaced, not sure about the crank assembly. The connecting rods suffered maybe 10% of the damage that went to the bearings and pin. the lower end of the crank apears to be in great shape, no visible signs of rust or pitting on any of the bearings.


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I'm half way thru a tear down of the old 532. Found a number of interesting things. Went to drain the gear box and found a lot of water. I figured it was trashed, but when i opened it up everything looked great (?!?). i guess the water just ran to the bottom and the gears were still sumberged in oil. i spilt the case, and so far the water issue in the RV shaft pocket is the same. No rust. check out the head, no carbon. This thing realy does have only a couple flights on it.

Piston pins and bearings are in perfect shape.

Also noticed the case has places already drilled for magnetic pickups. Looks like the 582 flywheel and magnteto also bolt right up.....

Anyone need good parts for 532?


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