Gyro flying is such a niche and that makes this forum invaluable.
For the lives of new pilots - and would-be builders - to come.
Like you write Ron - this is our library of much needed knowledge.
So what if it's not kept perfectly - as long as it's kept at all.
There are many other places to discuss anything else than gyro subjects.
I know it must be annoying to not being able to discuss any and every subject,
because this feels like an extended family - really!
But I suppose it's moderated to be on the safe side of Todd's rules - with a safety margin
Let's act like grown-ups and say "well, hmm" and then send off a PM or join the other forum also for that purpose.
Because if this place start looking like a FaceBook group, it will be the end.
And so much will be lost...
Live long and prosper...
PS: I read France is todays homebuilder heaven - but how many are proficient in french? I'm not...