Tornado roll call

I'm still waiting to hear from my daughter just outside Kansas City. I can't get her on the cellphone or the landline.
I didn't see any reports that Gardner, KS took a hit. An insurance agency we work with in KC lost their office. Good thing nobody was there.

Good news is, Phoenix finally broke the no-rain streak. We had nothing from 10-18-05 until 3-11-06. Even the cacti we looking a little wilted.
Having had my stairshop destroyed two years in a row...I was a little aprehensive last night. I was watching the progress of that super cell for several hours. I was using the time lapse pictures to extrapolate its ground track. It looked like it was headed for my home town of Paxton, Il. 200 miles away. It ended up going to the west just enough to avoid any damage.

I heard from daughter last night. The cell phone tower nearest to her took some wind damage and her boyfriend was working in the yard the day before and cut the phone line. I guess somebody needs to teach him to dowse for phone lines. Johnson County got rain but no tornados, no hail and most importantly, no weather realted excitement.
That's good news Cody.

I grew up in St.Louis and saw a lot of storm activity thru that part of Tornado Alley.

Now in Florida I'm seeing a bit of the Hurricane variety.

Cheers :)
Good to hear that Doc. It looks our folks all around are safe and kicking!
Yeah and there is always those Hurricane Cheer leaders . . . ;)