The War Against Socialism, Marxism, Terrorism and any other left-wing faction!

Someone Once Said...

Someone Once Said...

...A man convinced against his
will is of the same opinion still.

I don't participate in threads such as
this because there are those that refuse
to open their minds (read: mind shut tight)
to possibilities beyond their belief system.

I may read what they have to say, but don't
post my opinion 'cause they wouldn't believe
it anyway.

I'm sure I'm deceived about some things in this
day and age. What most people don't realize
is that they are deceived also but refuse to
acknowledge that fact. The truth about anything
is received through our own senses (and sometimes,
even those senses are faulty) and God's
word, not through the White House, ABC World
News Tonight, the Internet, our next door neighbor,
The National Equirer, my buddy in the military, et al.

NOBODY on this planet has all the facts, not you,
not me, not Osama, not Bush, nobody...(...but the

My interests in this forum is flying gyros.
I personally believe that those who want to spread
their opinions around should do so in those forums
geared to that particular subject.

I hold no ill will toward anybody in this or any other
thread, for I love all.

Take Care, Beware, and Be Good!


P.S. This post means I side with Ralph and jucie
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Andre said:
"I am not alone to say that: FARENHEIT 9/11, Michael Moore and all the people in the New York streets, some days ago..."

Believe it or not, a lot of people couldn't care less what Michael Moore thinks. He looks like a self-serving publicity hound to me, talking out of his ass. His "documentaries" are nothing more than fiction. :mad:

Regarding other countries not having what we have, why don't they? How old is this country? How old are most other countries in the world? Some countries and cultures have been around for over 1000 years and what have they done with their time? We aren't perfect, but if other countries want what we have, let them put their butts to work and create it for themselves.

Just my 2 cents. :cool:
I have not seen it and will not see it, its a waste of time and with low recreational value (Moores documentary)
Ray . . .think! You had your own destiny and chose it, that is it!
The samples of my life I gave you is for measurement, not priorities, I did my share in sports, in the military (small) in the government that steals like there is no tomorrow, I had to steal too to make ends meet, till I quit . . .
You are confusing things because of frustration and lack of understanding, you have been doctrinated and refuse to look under the rug.
Is this country better? you bet! there are other places as good as? yes . . .
Can you succeed in many places? if you are competent.
Gyro JOe that was precious and you are in good company!
There are wrong things to discuss and if you do not have stomach or knowledge to do so, lets talk about the good things and we both will be happy.
Right now I am the only happy in this discussion . . .
So you think war is good or at least necessary, uh?
I do not think we can settle by force . . .imagine two old farts punching each other . . .ridiculous!!! :)
Democracy imposed? that is raping the concept alltogether!
Can you define me? Socialist I am not, marxist is something in a bood I have not read, so who am I?
I am not republican, I think they are wrong, democrats are missing the point here and going for a fight they can win, they won the last but did not take, good system, people chooses and a group decides otherwise . . .sounds like our PRA! (ay ay ay . . .)
Define me or I will devour you!!! (who said that?)
I will move away . . .do you think I will change?
If I did not care for you and our fellow members I would be at the beach, it is hot and a beautiful day . . .
It is a hard battle but I will let you know when I have no more strenght to fight.
Look around in the world, read books and analyze the facts.
Someone mentioned the EU . . .the ones in charge there are the same one in charge here, the pupets are different. Do you believe you are free?
two different countries

two different countries

Heron said:
Bunch of stuff snipped.

Here is an example of Michael Moore style of reporting in a joke form:
GWB, JFK and Michael Moore were all out on a lake fishing. For whatever reason Kerry's boat flips over. Kerry yells "Help I can't swim!"

George Bush gets out of his boat and walks across the water never getting his ankles wet, reaches down and grabs Kerry and puts him back in his righted boat. All the while Michael Moore is writing this down. The next day the headlines are "BUSH CAN"T SWIM!!!" A Documentery by Michael Moore.

That's his style. He said he would give anyone $1000 if anyone found a "fact" of his that was in error. He backed off that bet almost immediately.
If I were you I would get my news from a more reliable source.

Heron said:
Look around in the world, read books and analyze the facts.
Someone mentioned the EU . . .the ones in charge there are the same one in charge here, the pupets are different. Do you believe you are free?

I am no puppet. No one will tell me what to do or when to do it or how it should be done. Evidently I am free and you are not. You are a prisoner of your own making.

Sit in your own ashes. I'm having too much fun being who I am and doing what I do. You would do well fixing the problems in your native country instead of bashing ours.

It must be tough being you. I am truly sorry for you. I wish I could help you but you seem to be refusing that by not accepting responsibility.

This conversation is going nowhere. It is ended for me.
I vote with Ralph.
I am a former Green Beret, Hq First Special Forces Okinawa.
I am in the process of building a horizontal tail group for a gyro I don't even have yet.
It is composite and I just put another coat of epoxy on what I have done so far.
No Steven, can't say I have served. Didn't pass the physical back in the Vietnam era. Thanks for the compliment though.
Ron Black said:
I vote with Ralph.
I am a former Green Beret, Hq First Special Forces Okinawa.
I am in the process of building a horizontal tail group for a gyro I don't even have yet.
It is composite and I just put another coat of epoxy on what I have done so far.
Which kit/model/plans? I'm interested in doing a composite tail group for my new Bee project. Do you have any photos posted of your tail group progress? I know, I know... wrong topic, but this is after all a Gyro forum and as long as you brought it up... :) . Thanks.

Brian Jackson
Freedom has a flavor,
that those who have never fought for it,
will never know.
Ron Black said:
I vote with Ralph.
I am a former Green Beret, Hq First Special Forces Okinawa.
I am in the process of building a horizontal tail group for a gyro I don't even have yet.
It is composite and I just put another coat of epoxy on what I have done so far.

1st HQ you say. I'll bet you had to keep your boot polished all the time.

I know an ex-US-Ranger that lives in Switzerland that feels that no civilian should be allowed to own a firearm, be it in the US or anywhere, yeat he is required to have a 7.7mm assault rifle (that's right boy's and girls, a real assault rifle, complete with flash suppressor and third position safety) and prides himself for it having it. Talk about your double standard! Switzerland can have that asshole!

Loyalty check time...
Message to all,

I've been seeing a few posters that don't like the content of this thread. If I remember correctly, this "Off Topic" area was specifically created for just this kind of non-aviation content. So to take Ron Awad's position, if you don't like what's in here, don't read it!

There are a lot of pissed off white Americans in this country, and I'm one of them. I've sat back and listened to the crap that has been blowing out of the liberal pie holes for long enough. Those of high character have sat back, being quiet because it is not very becoming. We have been waiting for the shit storm to settle down, but because there is a Republican president, it's not going to happen. Every time a Republican president gets into office, the mouth pieces for the Communist moment of the world start pointing fingers at the US President and blaming all of the worlds problem on him. Bush may not be perfect, and by no means am I suggesting that, but he is by far the lesser of the 2 evils.

So getting back to the original reason for me starting this thread... To even remotely suggest that it's the fault of the US that drove the attacks on 9/11, suggests to me that politics is more important to you than anything else in your life, and that you have been brainwashed beyond comprehension.

The nay-sayers in France have absolutely no room to talk and/or bitch about US policies and how we handle our affairs. As far as I'm concerned, France has NOT earned the right to bitch about the affairs of world politics! Why? Because the US has pulled their ass out of the fire on several different occasions - WW1, WW2, and then we tried to win back Vietnam for them because they couldn't do it themselves! Here's a question for you military types. What is the significance of showing the palm of your hand when you salute? Notice that the US doesn't salute in that manner. Note also that Frances style of saluting doesn't have anything to do with my opinion, but everything to do with their past history.

Here's some more history for those who think that it's the US's fault for all of the terror in the world. Hitler starts out by trying to exterminate all of the Jews. US and Russian forces liberate the concentration camps, save the Jews and relocate some of them to what is now known as Israel. For the US, it looks like a personal success story, we save the Jews from Germany and all is well for now. Until 1949. This is when much of the terrorists history began, and it started as a result of the Jews declaring their independence from Lebanon. With this declaration came an instant response from the surrounding Arab countries in the form of attacks and the talk of war. So who came to the aid of the Jews? The US of course. The same people that just saved their bacon from Hitler. Well, I guess that makes us the bad guy in some peoples eyes. We try to help protect the same people that we just liberated from Germany, and we become the next target. And the US has been on the side of Israel ever since. Yep, it's our fault. There it is plain as day. NOT!
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I've never understood how people can say the US "takes" a disproportionate share of the world's wealth, or that we're in Iraq to "take" their oil. We want them to be free so we can BUY it, and PAY for it! You can resent or envy Americans for being relatively wealthy, but it did not happen by making others poorer.

Talk show host Neal Boortz said it better than anyone else I've heard..."Poverty is a behavioral disorder." In the US, if you've skipped getting a good education or don't want to work hard, you'll be poor. If you're willing to work hard, even without education, there are plenty of ways to earn a good living. In fact, Ron Awad will be happy to tell you about one of them.

Governments cannot successfully redistribute and expand wealth. They can only redistribute and expand poverty. Put a group of industrious people in a land with rich natural resources, and a government which just stays out of the way, and watch wealth grow.
Heron, I am sorry for the loss of your Daughter, and I admire you steadfastness to God. May you contiune to have peace with this.
Thank you Ray and Don.To many who have not served have not a clue. Please all of you who read this remember to get out and vote for the best choise, GEORGE W.BUSH,
he don't take any bull!
Welcome Home

Welcome Home

donshoebridge said:
Thank you for your service Ray, and welcome home!
Thanks Don

It took almost thirty years to hear that.

I almost didn't make it. A lot of good people didn't.
I appreciate your words to those that just don't get it.
Weeew!! You guys can get ticked. uh?
Ray . . .thanks for your part on this discussion, see you around and maybe we can have a cold one and hug each other!
Don . . .revise your findings on the Jews . . .way off the mark!
I would like to abandon the arena if you allow me . . .?
I though we were discussing forms of government and the impact they have on the perception, short term, of other people, nations and social groups have from it!
Those who went to WWII I salute you . . .on both sides! There were heros on the enemy side as you know, of course!
Those who went to the other wars, I still salute you, you did good for your country, you are soldier and those in Nam the best . . .but the reasons for been sent there . . .. I have a problem with!
In a few months I will be leaving the US and will take with me lots of lessons and good memories . . .you are all invited to come and visit.
Maybe I can show you something interesting.
It has been a pleasure and an honor leaving here, I did my best.
Hope you guys are ok and enjoy life as I do!

I'd like to believe we can all get a little ticked at each other, and still respect each other and remain friends.

Provided we're not talking about the PRA, or course... :)
Heron said:
Don . . .revise your findings on the Jews . . .way off the mark!

Oh really! Maybe you'de like to talk to a co-worker of mine who spent 12+ years there, just before 9/11, and is a Jew, that happens to have been born Russia, a country that use to give passes to Jews in the hope to they don't come back!

Just to make my point a little more concrete, I'd sure like for everyone here to hear your side of the story. I'd sure like to see if you can erase and rewrite the past 50+ years of terrorist history.

You and Victor really tripped my trigger about this crap! This is the one time that I'm not going away untill Todd pulls my posting privlages. I'm not going to allow you or any other leftist to shout me down, or call me a lier, or try and smear me or anyother patriotic American. No more! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Too smart

Too smart


You seem like a smart guy who has done some....not all of his homework. If you were a real student of history you would know that there are only 2 reasons for war. Resources and Control. For OVER 2000 years the entire PAN ARAB area has been at war with each other. The last 50 years is just a distraction for us westerners. Oil is the #1 reason we keep the Middle east a powder keg. But even if we wanted to "fix" everything overnight we would have to come to understand the last one thousand nine hundred and fifty years. I doubt there is enough sanity in D.C to come up with any plan that would work.

Lastly, Don I wont get into an argument about each of your points one by one but I will boil it down to this.

? When was the last time the government told you or any other citizen here the TRUTH ?

Just give me one instance of a major event where the governments line of crap can be swallowed whole and I will shut up.

You probably think George Washington was our first president too.....

Wow! a heated thread.... Pissed off people..... a big event on the forum... and I haven't even participated in it! Dam! :eek:

Ok but of course my name got brought up twice :o I guess I just can't stay out of the bulls eye! :D

Yes I agree with Don, If you don't like what your reading here, Don't read it!

I also agree with Paul, a person does not have to have money or wealth or education to make a decent living for him or her self here in the USA. Don't know about other areas of the world but I am sure if there is a WILL... there is a WAY! I am a dropout, the last grade of school I completed was the 9th grade back around 1990 I think. I did the usual screwoff jobs for a few years - changed oil at a quick lube, worked at McDonalds, etc... - Got into Pizza Delivery for many years - surprising how much money you can make if your good at delivering pizzas and you hustle - And then got a job helping a old friend with his new Lawn cutting business. I worked for him for about 3 months when I figured that instead of working for him for 250-300$ a week, I could do the same thing for myself and make that much or more PER DAY. Been on my own ever since! :)

I talk to alot of my old friends from school and even some of my newer friends from hanging out at the bar and such and they all say they would like more money and wish they could do what I do. Personally I know that most of them just wouldn't be able to hack it anyway cause it is somewhat demanding to be the one and only person in control of the business, BUT most of them toss it out as a impossible idea cause they think it will cost too much to start and so on. And that is a fair observation cause if any of you guys took a day to tour the streets of Charlotte N.C. - and pretty much most major citys across the USA - if you stopped to look at the lawnservices running around most of them have several 5-15 thousand dollar mowers, a few thousand dollars worth of Small equipment, a Fancy expensive trailer being pulled by a 30+ Thousand dollar truck! Yes lot's of money tied up in those business'. No way someone who has barely any credit for loans, and little to no cash saved up can start a business like that overnight....

But the part of my story that I am getting to and what makes me believe that if there is a will there is a way, is a sight I saw a few years back that made me Laugh first, then after thinking about it some made me believe that ANYONE can do ANYTHING. I was out cutting grass one day, and was driving from one yard to the next. Was going down a busy major road in Charlotte - South Blvd. - and saw some traffic up ahead. I got in the left lane and was driving along passing slower traffic in the right lane when I got to the front of what was apparently the hold up. There he was.... a Middle aged guy driving a MOPED - Yes a moped! - pulling a small little trailer, with a 21 inch push mower that someone had probably thrown away cause the pull start cord had broken, and a little crappy 50$ string trimmer and a crappy old handheld gas leaf blower. All the equipment a person would need to go out and cut a lawn. I have probably 18 grand tied up in my equipment I take out to use to work from day to day, this guy had maybe 300$ including the old beat up moped and trailer he was using. I can cut a lawn in 15-25 minutes and make 25-35$. But even with the equipment that guy had I could still cut a lawn in no more than a hour and still make 25-35$. Do the math.... 35$ a hour times 8 hours a day = 280$!!! That is more than you make working a whole week at McDonalds. All it takes is the WILL. That guy had Will and after seeing that Moped going down South Blvd, I just think to myself, What a Lazy Ass, when my friends bitch about not having the things they want in life.

anyway that is all. Sorry for the long off topic story in this off topic thread. I won't comment on politics as I don't keep up with it. IMHO it is ALL a bunch of Bullshit, either side you take. But given what I know about John Kerry, I sure hope he doesn't make it into the White House.
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