The mystery over the missing Malaysian jetliner

Brent Drake

Gyroplane Instructor
Jun 15, 2004
Shelbyville, Indiana
Pipers/Cessna's/Magnus, Helo's/Gyro's
Total Flight Time
My theory is the jet did not crash. It was hijacked and stolen. The jet will be used for an aerial attack of some kind.
That's great, but where would you secretly land an aircraft that large? ??


My theory is the jet did not crash. It was hijacked and stolen. The jet will be used for an aerial attack of some kind. was abducted by aliens. The entire plane! It's sitting in the hold of the mother ship at this very moment!:p
Twilight Zone
Or the making of another Stephen King movie.
I am perplexed by the transponder(s) being turned off.

I am perplexed by the transponder(s) being turned off.

Flight 800s transponder was not turned off eather. An explosion would explain it all, except the lack of debris on the surface. My condolences to all affected.
Transponder? There is 3 systems I know of that ping a signal on most big birds, that can be tracked with a lifespan of years. Here's one for ya, not one cell phone from those on that plane can be track either.
I suspect it will take a long time to locate the wreckage, even longer to retrieve as much as possible and many more years before a cause can be established.

The fact that they are searching along the west cost of Malaysia and also along the scheduled route to the North East up between Malaysia and Vietnam would appear to suggest the authorities have few concrete facts to go on.

Extreme patience will be required.

My condolences to the many passengers and crew.

It is strange how there is lack of any debris, if it was an explosion, there would be wide spread debris, if it hit the ocean, it would be very difficult for it to not have come apart at least enough to leave something floating.

There are still some unsolved disappearances in the Devils Triangle, there's a similar triangle near where this disappearance is. But, these unsolved disappearances happened before all the modern tracking technologies we have today, just doesn't seem possible it could have just disappeared, I believe it kept flying after the last contact and they are looking in the wrong place for it.

Condolences to the families.
The "Gimli Glider" possibility crossed my mind.
They ran out of fuel on a 767 and made a sucessful landing on an old airfield/drag strip.
The emergency generator prop deployed for them, if it failed to deploy you would have
an unpowered glide for 30+ miles and a ditch. May lose hydraulics.
Scott Essex, does the transponder stay live if no power exist?
Is it battery attached/essential?
The other option seems man made with the transponder off.
I am thinking they will find it in Pakistan or some place like that not crashed only makes sense from the details the news gives out. this probably was all planned out. some of those hijackers are pretty smart to pull off something like this......just some thought
The "Gimli Glider" possibility crossed my mind.
They ran out of fuel on a 767 and made a sucessful landing on an old airfield/drag strip.
The emergency generator prop deployed for them, if it failed to deploy you would have
an unpowered glide for 30+ miles and a ditch. May lose hydraulics.
Scott Essex, does the transponder stay live if no power exist?
Is it battery attached/essential?
The other option seems man made with the transponder off.

I flew the 777 for seven years and no-the transponder would be load shed if they were down to the Ram Air Turbine. However, if their were an electrical fire in the electronics and equipment bay it would take out the transponder, the comm radios and eventually the artificial feel unit used to produce feedback in the controls.
As Fly Army notes there are probably a number of things that could happen to explain the loss of transponder and radio communications.

What I think is hard to explain is not finding it. If the problem was initially catastrophic then the plane would have gone down near its route and would have been found by now.

Maybe the aircraft went down some time after the first problem occurred. Initially something happened that resulted in loss of electrical power and communications and maybe something like a fire as Fly Army says.

Then the pilots may have decided to lose altitude and hence left radar coverage. I did read that the flight path did change and looked like the pilots were turning. The plane then traveled for some time outside of radar contact and things just got progressively worse for the crew until the aircraft was lost but by that time it had strayed a long way from its original flight path in unknown direction making the search area incredibly bigger and why it has taken such a long time to find.

They may have even ditched it and kept the aircraft in one piece, which then sank leaving little trace of it to find and there are a bunch of people floating around in the South China Sea waiting to be rescued, that would be great outcome.

I hope they find it soon for the sake of the families involved. How hard this must be with it constantly in the news and all the speculation surrounding the flight.
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I recon it never took off to start with.
Early April fools.

But no one got the joke, so now they have to follow through.

Everyone carries a fond these days, sumone woulda got a call out if it was jacked, on fire or go,n in.

If ailians got it, there's buggerall we can do now, cept hope they give it back, with everyone onit, then outa our airspace.
This is absolutely incredible, that a 777 can disappear and stay lost for a week.

You can localize your $300 iPhone within few meters, when you lose it,
and they cannot localize a $300.000.000 aircraft.
Here my thoughts, these pilots were pond jumper's, the pilots knew the route and like us...also knew where they could land in case of a situation. If all navigation failed, what would be the next thing to do? Not change heading and not TRY to make contact, so either the pilots were forced to do this and have landed somewhere or were in on it. All that's left if untrue, is like Mike said it's sitting betweeen 2 moutians. Maybe it is the biggest joke of all time with someone trying to recreate the movie Lost. But really, UFO got'em.