The closing of Breese Aircraft


Gyroplane CFI
Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
Santa Maria, California
Givens Predator
Total Flight Time
2600+ in rotorcraft
There have been many life chapters written in my 75 years. My adventures have been wide ranging with the most recent chapter as a gyroplane flight instructor. Success for me as a flight instructor is measured by the joy I have shared with my clients and my 100 percent pass rate. I love opening the door to the heavens for my friends and customers.

I love sharing the fun with my friends that are reading this.

I contracted shingles May of 2024 and although the rash left within weeks the pain and physical challenges from nerve damage remain with no certain date for recovery.

I am getting better, it is much too slow for me and I have not been successful at powering through the pain.

I don’t have much pain as long as I operate inside of my new limitations that I try to expand each day.

I had been wondering about giving up my flight school; Breese Aircraft as most of my the fixed cost continue without the income and my doctor can’t quantify how much longer challenges will continue.

I am grateful it is not worse. I know people who have lost much more. In the beginning the pain was so severe I could not sleep.

The pain limits my ability to maintain my training aircraft; The Predator.

A recent significant financial setback has caused me to make the difficult decision to close Breese Aircraft and sell all my aviation tools and equipment including the Predator.

I intend to maintain my flight instructor certificate so I will be able to train people in their own aircraft or hire out to other flight schools when I fully recover.

Thank you all for joining me on these adventures and I look forward to reading about your adventures as I have more time to spend on social media while my body heals.


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Sorry to hear of your health issues Vance, and sad that we won't see your flying updates anymore, at least for the time being. Hopefully you will make a full recovery. If anyone can overcome adversity, it's you. Shingles is a nasty illness - prompting me to go get my shingles vaccine ASAP.
My wife and I decided to receive the Shingles, Pneumonia, RSV, TDAP, Flu, and all the COVID vaccines.

The above illnesses, inconvenient for the young, can be devastating for the older folks.

Hope you recover soon friend Vance. I'm really sorry you are suffering through this.

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So sorry to hear Vance!! I’ll pray for a full recovery!!! Was wondering why I haven’t seen any adventures with you and the Predator!!! Glad you are feeling better!!
Oh man, Vance. Bummer.... what can I say? You helped me get my sport pilot certificate, met you at Mentone this year, been a pleasure and hate to see you step aside but understand. BEST WISHES!

Wow Vance. That is tough. I pray for a quicker recovery.

As one ages and experiences an attack of Shingles, there is an increased chance for one to develop Postherpetic Neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia is damage to the nerve fibers during an outbreak of shingles. The damaged fibers are unable to send messages from the skin to the brain in the usual manner. Instead, the signals that travel down the nerve path to the brain become heightened. Unfortunately, the pain can last months or even years.

Risk factors in experiencing postherpetic neuralgia:
  • Greater than 60 years of age.
  • Have not received the shingles vaccine.
  • The severity of the shingles rash.
  • The location of the shingle rash - face or torso.
  • Suffering from another chronic disease such as but not limited to diabeties
  • The delay in shingles treatment such as not receiving the antiviral medication within 72 hours of the appearance of the rash.
The good news is the shingles vaccine such as Shingrix is more than 90% effective in preventing shingles and postherpetic neuralgia.

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Sorry to hear this Vance. I hope you will recover fully soon. I got shingles like 12 years ago. It was not painful and within a few weeks I recovered using anti-viral med. Did not even know it can be painful after rash is gone.
Vance, we've watched you progress from a newbie to one of our most astute, experienced instructors. And all that in spite of other physical challenges. A remarkable journey!

As time goes by, many (if not all) of us in this activity come to value the PEOPLE more than the hardware. That's certainly the case with our man Vance.

Best of luck in recovering and flying on into the future.
Thank you all for the kind words.

I am grateful for your friendship and support.

I have much to be grateful for each day and have a head full of wonderful memories from a lifetime of adventure.

A good friend who is one of my learners is buying The Predator and everything in my hangar. He may continue to be based at the Santa Maria Public Airport. He flies The Predator well.

I intend to maintain my CFI certificate with biennial Flight instructor renewal course and will continue to maintain my Basic Med.

If all the pieces fall into place the financial challenge will be vanquished soon.

The physical recovery is frustrating with what appears to be progress often followed by setbacks.

If I look back to May I can see the progress is significant though not steady.

For several months I could not lift my left arm above my shoulder and had a shake that disrupted my pistol shooting.
Wow Vance. That is tough. I pray for a quicker recovery.

As one ages and experiences an attack of Shingles, there is an increased chance for one to develop Postherpetic Neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia is damage to the nerve fibers during an outbreak of shingles. The damaged fibers are unable to send messages from the skin to the brain in the usual manner. Instead, the signals that travel down the nerve path to the brain become heightened. Unfortunately, the pain can last months or even years.

Risk factors in experiencing postherpetic neuralgia:
  • Greater than 60 years of age.
  • Have not received the shingles vaccine.
  • The severity of the shingles rash.
  • The location of the shingle rash - face or torso.
  • Suffering from another chronic disease such as but not limited to diabeties
  • The delay in shingles treatment such as not receiving the antiviral medication within 72 hours of the appearance of the rash.
The good news is the shingles vaccine such as Shingrix is more than 90% effective in preventing shingles and postherpetic neuralgia.

Wayne has it right with his Risk factors in experiencing postherpetic neuralgia.

I was on one of my road trips and thought the rash on my shoulder and down my arm might be a very severe case of poison oak and despite several people looking at the rash in pharmacies when I was trying to find the best medicine for the rash and pain it was not diagnosed and treated for more than a week when I arrived home and Ed insisted I go to emerbancy. Because I was driving my options for pain medication were limited.

I hope you will all learn from my experience: and get the Shingles vaccine and treat it at the first sign of the rash.
Vance, I actually got the 1st Dose of the Shingles Vaccine last month after hearing about your challenges in September and will get the 2nd one this week (along with TDAP and Pneumonia Vaccines). I'm sorry to hear your closing up shop, but glad you 'll still keep your Certificate! Glad to see the Predator will go to someone proficient too! I've always loved reading your escapades here on the Forum. Best of Luck to You!
Vance, I am sad for the pain you are suffering and understand your decision. I pray for a speedy recovery.

Once you are flying again, I would be honored to have you flying in the front seat of my Aviomania Duo anytime you are in Texas or wherever we are flying gyroplanes.