Thank you all


Gyroplane CFI
Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
Santa Maria, California
Givens Predator
Total Flight Time
2600+ in rotorcraft
Hello to all my friends on this forum,

Today while being grateful for the state of my life, I began to think about what a great gift we all share here. Controlling flight is a wonderfully exclusive activity. Only a very small percentage of the population ever gets past dreaming about it. We get to share that gift with each other in so many ways and on so many levels.

We have found a neglected corner of aviation where the answers are less well defined and the modifications we make to aircraft are often rewarded with perceptible improvement.

I believe that a love of something is essential to a life that is well lived. It is a place we can go when life is not unfolding to our taste. It is a place we can be productive and satisfied.

For me there is very little that is sweeter than to have a thought come to fruition that I can touch and excercise. It adds to the sweetness to have friends to share it with.

I am grateful to my many friends on the forum who so generously share their hard earned knowledge and stimulate my mind with the magic and wonder of rotory wing flight and the love of being the pilot in comand.

I am thankful that generally people here do not make fun of my ignorance or my sometimes foolish questions and my inability to grasp reasonable explanations.

I am also gratefull for the inspiration I find in the actions of so many here.

I feel I am standing with giants and I am thankful for the opportunity.

Thank you, Vance

I expect there will be a bunch (including mine) of responses saying how well you stated our feelings.

Thank YOU.
Vance: Well put.... After having talked with you personally at Bensen days...I know for a fact you are extremely intelligent. You just dont realize how much.

Thank you, Alan, I feel very frustrated when I try to express my feelings. I appreciate your positive affirmation.

Thank you Stan, You are one of the inspirational people.

Thank you, Vance
I look forward to seeing and talking to you again Vance, are you going to be at Bensen days?
Hello Scott,

It's looking better and better, I have an IRS matter that I need to clean up, but I am hoping to leave Friday.

I look forward to seeing you as well. I should be less frantic this year as I am not working so hard on the project and I won't have Jim Mayfield with me.

Thank you, Vance
. . .what??
Look what you've done Vance!
Now I will have to kiss you in public . . .
Love you too man!
Heron :D
you are with the giants because you are a giant.
I don't use to sugar coat anyone .
and i can't believe your person is not animated by an immense intelligence.
The way you make things happen is just amazing to me, your love for life and knowledge is impressive.
may the force be with you !!
AMEN, AMEN ,-------------------------------------------
J bird
Vance, we're not giants, we're just standing on each other's shoulders. It's nice to have that kind of support.
See, that is what I mean. What a great bunch.

Tim I love your thoughtful approach, I would love to interact with you face to face, but I feel like I know you already.

Thank you Paul, that is part of the magic. I have trouble describing things I can't quantify. When I was living with my father, speaking of feelings was discouraged. I left home when I was 13. To this day I have trouble identifying my feelings, even more discribing them. Thank you for the encouragement.

Thank you Heron, I would be gratefull if you would find a different way to demonstrate your feelings. I would be uncomfortable being kissed by a man. It is probably some cultural nuance.

Victor, my friend, you are always a treat.

Jay, I don't know much about you, but I am glade we are aligned.

Cody, I am not sure what you mean, but I enjoy our interactions and I love when you share your life's experances. Your thoughtful approach to things backed up by you experiance is an inspiration to me.

Thank you all, Vance
"The Fastest Indian"

"The Fastest Indian"

My wife and I saw the above movie this weekend. It is about a New Zealander who finally made it to Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in his senior citizen years after spending his whole life perfecting the engine (such as making his own pistons) on his 1920's Indian motorcycle.

Once I got into the lingo of the Kiwis (which my wife couldn't) it was a great movie to enjoy, with humor as well as a tribute to his determination.

I was looking for Vance in the segments on the flats!!!!!!!!
Hello Kevin, Burt used to bum a shower in the barracks we used for a motel in Wendover, next to the salt flats. He was a remakable fellow. He modeled his fairing after a New Zeland fish and refined it by towing it behind his row boat. He would come over on a goverment grant to study agriculture.

I haven't seen the movie, but some friends that knew Burt have, and they enjoyed it very much. Anthony Hopkins is a great actor playing a great man.

Thank you, Vance
Hello Vance.

Nice thread. Very touching indeed.
Feel a part of this loving gyro family and proud of it.
Certainly its a great fruitful effort on the part of this forum creators and supporters. Thank you all.
Very best wishes.
Thank you Rehan, I love the way you leap cultural barriers and deal with your distance from so much of the autogyro activity.

I feel it is important to enjoy and understand what we have. It has great value to me.

Thank you, Vance
Thank you Guy,

I don't believe I understand, I didn't mean to be funny. Doesn't LOL mean lots of laughs?

I like awards and I love your tag line.

Thank you, Vance
When Joyce and I get the Harley next year we plan to take a trip to the west coast motorcycle mecca in Dublin. Care to come along? It won't be before August of '07, unless other things pick-up.
I would love to spend time with you Cody, but that is too far ahead for me to plan. Bonneville is the third week in August and usually I am coming back from Mentone and Oshkosh thru Sturgess in early August.

I will try to find another way to manage the interaction.

Thank you for the invite, Vance