SparrowHawk Pictures


Gold Supporter
Oct 30, 2003
Avondale, Arizona
Aero SP AT-4 (Gobosh 700X), TAG Titanium Explorer
Please find attached some pictures of the first true SparrowHawk.

I have retired my original modified RAF since Bill suffered his landing accident. We legally transfered the "N" number to the new ship as it has pleasant memories for me.

I want to thank all of you for your support nad encouragement during this past year.

We have now shipped the first two SparrowHawks. We will ship three more this week. I have a 40 ship backlog to ship as soon as possible and the orders keep flowing in.

Now that we are in full production of the SparrowHawk, I will be conducting a design/market review to determine if our next product should be an open frame variant of this aircraft. Some of us enjoy the open air sensation. I need to produce about 24 open frame variants a year to make a business case. If you have any input, it will be appreciated.
Re:SparrowHawk Pictures

Jim, I can't say, yeah, I would be in the market but seeing as how you have 'Stolen' one of the last, (there is still Chris Burgess & Bill Ortmayer) open frame (no pod!) instructors, it seems fitting that you make up for it by producing a CLT tandem open frame machine for Steve! ;D

All joking aside, it seems that it would be beneficial, for people that will be flying a open frame single place, to train in a tandem open frame machine. The out front, with no visible means of support, wind in the face experience is different than in a side by side or enclosed machine. And then there are those who just like the open type flying but like to take a passenger.

So, I would suggest expanding your marketing query to include this type of machine

Dean Dolph
Ahh, open frame. I can't breathe unless the air is rushing by. I will admit, the SparrowHawk has my attention!!! Stevie and I already talked it over when I noticed he was wearing a Nomex flight suit. Don't that boy know he should stay out of the sun?