should I report an incident with a FW


Platinum Member
Oct 31, 2003
puerto rico
Total Flight Time
:mad: Last saturday I was flying dress as Santa claus and my pasenger dress as an elf. we were constantly comunicating in the air our position and our HO<HO<HO so kids can heard us in the hangar. Suddenly this FW guy cross right in front of me and under me on final. There was another gyro flying at 1000 as a safety aircraft.

The guy came straight in he call 5 miles ot that he was in bound. I never heard the guy. even I was declaring every leg. Let me give you some back ground form this guy.

aircraft cesna cardinal, all his Takeoff he back (yank) the plane to the right around 50 feet above run way and start a climb in a right dwon wind pattern.

The right pattern has been stablish only for ultras and guros to help on airport safety and kee fast aircraft to the left. He has cross in front of many others. He don follow no cortesy in air or ground. He never mess with me until saturday.

Now the question is should I go foward? Is there any violation here? The airport in uncontrolled. I could do some egg droping on his park aircraft?

please advice. I take safety and rules very seriously and will like others inputs
That sucks! I hate people like that!


I would sugest that a short non confrontational talk might be all that is needed. If you hit him with a hammer he might remember you if he see's you with all your duck not quite is a row :rolleyes:
Just My 2 1/2 cents
Brian Douglas
Killeen Texas N8575C
Who established/agreed upon the right patern for ultras and gyros? Report this problem to them. Has this patern info been officially published so this guy could reasonably be expected to now about it?
Don't call the feds

Don't call the feds

I would suggest that you not call the FAA, if that's what you mean by "reporting" him. One day a guy at our airport departing in a Bonanza came nose-to-nose with an inbound cropduster landing on the opposite runway. The Ag guys around here NEVER use radios. After the near-collision, the PO'd Bonanza pilot called the FAA. Sure enough, they came out, ramp-checked everybody in sight and gave a ticket to some poor guy for making a "non-standard pattern entry." I think I would just have a little talk with the dude.



After reading your post a few things came to mind:

Before you do any egg dropping or confrontation with this person, have a word with your airport manager, Alberto Barreto (787-852-8188). That is usually a good place to start. He is also the best person to contact the FAA if that decision is made.

Keep in mind that it is possible that you didn't hear his radio call while making "Ho Ho Ho" on the radio. I encourage my students to keep all radio traffic short and precise and to not broadcast anything unrelated to aviation. The kids probably loved it but you just might be stepping on important radio traffic.

As far as the jerk goes, he will more than likely never change his evil ways even if you talk to him. All I can say is watch out for him and be very vigilant when he's out flying. Sadly, there are people like him at every airport in the system...

Chuck: I know how you feel when someone else isnt flying according to normal procedures. I was at the Shelbyville gyro fly-in this summer...doing the typical left hand pattern like everyone else...well...almost everyone else. I was on final and had been doing a lot of touch and goes. Here comes this gyro from the other direction coming right at me. He blew by me on my right as I was ready to instantly do a hard left bank to avoid him. Then later I was doing another touch and go...just about to touch down..and this time he is flying the same direction but passes me on the right and then gets right in front of me. I was not too pleased...and politely spoke my mind to him in person later. Other gyro pilots were there...saw it ..and nothing was done or said about it. Both these instances were caught on video tape. I felt like I was the horses ass for saying anything...when by all rights I was way too polite. I had four other witnesses bring it up to me in private and all I could do is just shake my head.

Guys and out out never know whats going to happen.

Scott That guy is a ASS HOLE! :mad: . He always do the same thing over and over. He thinks he owns the airport. I think Chuck shud report that sucker! Sorry for been so honest.
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thanks for the inputs

thanks for the inputs

I will think about it tonight at sleep. As for the radio I have another airdcraft confiming 1 call 5 mliles out no more. The manager Barreto retired. Now got me nervius to have some one know that much about my place? HMM

I am a member of the airport safety comity and all operators agree and is posted in the bulleting board the trafic pattern. When it comes to ideas and work issue I dont mind confrontation. But when my life was put in stake and trying to peacefully discuss this with the other party I am afraid I will just loose it.

I have a very good friend in the FAA that I can without mentionig names or N number can discuss this and see if we were both wrong? Any way I will discuss with the manager so he can adress him that the approve patter by all user and port authority is left for FW and right for slow gyro,parachute and ultras.

If this dont work then I will elevate it to higher autorities. My bigest worried is that an acciednt occurs and we have kept the airport death free for more than 10 years. ( this escept sky divers ) .

ANy way Jose will post the shining pics of my santa flight suit.

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am ,out ere with a million acres all to meself.

Chuck,mate,if this clown knows the safty ruels and still cuts you off,deal with the dickhead before he takes someone out properly.[if he was silly enough to land on my strip,he'd never take off again.]
Stan, Who was that ASS HOLE? Give me his name and I'll post it. This JO needs to be known to the GYRO public. If he don't clean up his act, the air boss @ the fly-ins should not allow him to fly. That's my opinion!!
Harry, He was a guy new to gyro's. He sort of forgot about everyone else out there. He was totally fixated about flying a gyro. He normally flies F/W.

He was talked to by myself and Tom Milton. When he finally got back to earth.

He's really a good guy. But he should have flown (known) better.
Ummm! Well, Okay!! Sorry about steamin' up the thread, but the way Stan put it, this guy was a menace...and he was!!!

He's a fixed wing pilot and he didn't know not to fly against traffic? Or overtake traffic? A student??

Who was his instructor??

Oh well; if Stan has calmed down and is satisfied...I'll fold!!

Cheers :)
Harry: Its history...but I guarantee it wont happen again without much more confrontation on my part. I am kind of a laid back mellow fellow...but you would never want to see me get mad. I am thankful most of the time for being slow to anger.

The guy was all caught up in soloing ..was even flying right down the runway after a twin engine airplane took off. I and several others were holding our breath thinking the wing vortices would get him.
It is my understanding that at an uncontrolled airport that comunication is optional acording to the FAA. If it was me I would try to sell him on being more considerate in a helpfull, non confrontational way. All you can do is your best. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I would be grateful if one of our FAA experts would confirm or debunk this. Thank you, Vance
Yes Vance, that is true. But instead of optional, let's use the word encouraged.

Here's the official FAA position:

"There is no substitute for alertness while in the vicinity of an airport. It is essential that pilots be alert and look for other traffic and exchange traffic information when approaching or departing an airport without an operating control tower. This is of particular importance since other aircraft may not have communication capability or, in some cases, pilots may not communicate their presence or intentions when operating into or out of such airports."
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Well, it looks to me like El Cardenál is busting:

§91.13 Careless or reckless operation.
§91.111 Operating near other aircraft
§91.113 Right of way rules.
§91.113 (b) general, (f) overtaking, (g) landing
§91.126 Operating in the vicinity of an airport in Class G ("uncontrolled") airspace
§91.126 (b) Direction of Turns
(if your airport is a Class E airport, similar language in §91.127 applies; in fact section 127 incorporates 126 explicitly)

That's pretty much it. Other that those, he hasn't done anything wrong. :eek:

[added:]You can and pilots have received certificate action for the simple and common meathead stunt of making a straight-in to an uncontrolled field. The FAA does put the onus on ULs and PPCs to stay clear of spam-can traffic, but that doesn't justify some clown in a spam can screaming into the UL pattern and making the slower aircraft scatter.

I see a lot of guys like this. I would bet a bottle of Gran Anejo that the rest of his flying, and his maintenance, are just as haphazard and sociopathic. Usually what happens is the operations inspectors bust some guy the one time he has a deviation, whereas guys like this (like the two bozos on Wellstone's plane) go rampaging through the air until they finally kill themselves and a bunch of innocents.


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