Seat tank finger fuel strainers


Active Member
Jun 7, 2019
Bryan, Texas
Cessna 140, Stinson 108-1, Culver V, Parsons Trainer
Total Flight Time
1000 hours
The fuel line fittings which are on my seat tank are very small 1/4” NPT. Aircraft Spruce and Specialty does not carry a finger strainer smaller than 3/8”. What has been done to fit finger strainers in the seat tanks? It is prudent to install strainers in the actual fuel tank, followed by a gascolator then a final filter. This tank has dual outlets due to the seat mounting design. The fitting is brass and I do not know if there is enough meat to retap the threads to a size larger. Any advice? These seats, 11 gallon I believe, are common. What is your advice?

Bill Crawford
My advice do not use a finger strainer. Once installed you can not see if it is clogged up. Use a clear in line fuel filter instead.

Had a clogged finger strainer put me on the ground.
I found non barbed strainers 1/8 at Wicks new for a similar price. I am using 3003 aluminum tubing, which by the way is driving me crazy, and I wanted to be consistent. But hey, this is one of the reasons you use as an excuse to start a project for the experience and to learn. I have always been told by academics that an student which successfully graduates with an aeronautical engineering degree is sought after and can fit in a variety of industry. This is due to the fact they are introduced to many other engineering disciplines. Thanks again, I should have researched a bit more before asking for advice.
My advice do not use a finger strainer. Once installed you can not see if it is clogged up. Use a clear in line fuel filter instead.

Had a clogged finger strainer put me on the ground.
I can see that would be an issue. What was the gunk? How durable is the in-line clear strainer vs the metal ones which can be removed and back washed and reusable. Your point of having a method of visually checking Is very valid. I had always trusted if you made the Gascolator Pee, you were good to go but that is not necessarily fool proof. I hope you didn’t bend anything on your forced landing.
The stuff was extremely small and lint like. Uneventful landing. I was on final for the runway so I got lucky.

I think your idea for a metal filter is good. They don't cost that much so for me I would replace it annually.