Scott Essex Days 2005?


Former Gyro know it all
Oct 29, 2003
Fort Mill South Carolina
Vans RV4 / Dominator 582 Ultrawhite
Total Flight Time
What do you say Scott? Our PRA chapter 13 has talked about a repeat of last years fly in since it was so successful. Sounds like this year there may be even more people able to bring machines.
Let me see what I can do about a date, Last year it was so stinkin' hot. But Mary and I would like to do it again, We had alot of fun.
Last year it was around July 10th or so, We could even do it a little later so the weather is cooler. I will keep you posted.
It was Hot, but that is okay. I didn't mind it a bit. Was a great time and we would like to see it happen again. If you and Mary will have us!

This year Chapter 13 is trying to hold it's monthly meetings in different areas of the carolinas and georgia to allow more members to participate. There is so many members in the atlanta area - or potential members that is.... wheres your dues Scott? :) - that a meeting there would be great. Holding a small weekend fly in worked well so let us know. The club would like to try to have it around the same time if possible as late july or early august is Mentone and some of us might want to go there and September we want to try to get another mini fly in set over at Maxie Wildes place. October is ROC and then after that it is too cold.
OK where do I send the money? I'll try to look at the calender and see if we can find a good date around the same time.