Rotax Gearbox?


Gold Supporter
Oct 9, 2004
Milan Mich.
I've designed, built, and flown 4 different ultralight gyros. Amassing parts for a 2 place now.
Total Flight Time
Anybody have a Rotax Gearbox they want to sell?
What do you need? A-box, B-box, provision 4 or 8? Or are you looking for a C or E-box, what ratio are you looking for?
What is with all the questions Scott????? Can't you see he wants a "Rotax" gearbox.... :D

Fly Safe,
Ya know, kinda like I need a chevrolet transmission.......
John let us know the details, I have an empty A prov 4 gearbox with no guts.
I'm looking for a provision 4 B box with 2.58/2.62 gear reduction. Since they make an adapter, I could also use a provision 8 C box with up to a 3-1 reduction as well.
John what engine?
The A box uses the adaptor plate, early models had 3 bolts, later ones had 4, on the adaptor plate.
The guts on the A box are the same as the prov 4 B box with the long drive gear.
A prov 8 engine will take the B or C box.

Post what you have and what you are wanting to do, you don't want to end up spending good money on something that won't work.
There Scott goes with all the questions again!!

Barry (yackity, yackity, yack) K
Hey Chris,

How's that cute little butterfly doin' ??

Barry (jealous) K
All is will with the Monarch... I have not flown much in the past month.... :( But the little time that I did fly, She is doin' just fine :D Scott has not taken off all the good parts yet :rolleyes: .

See ya soon,
Ooops! Ya caught me! I'd better put it back together. :o :D

Hey come to think of it....Chris's gyro has a B box on it, Hmmmm........
And for the right price you can have it....... it will have a GYRO Thingy attached to it :rolleyes:

Fly Safe,
I've been wondering a bit about the gearbox solutions. From strickly a performance perspective, is it true you would like the largest possible prop (staying under the speed of sound at the tips, naturally), and so would also like a rather large gearbox ratio?

It seems most designs have a prop diameter limited by space over the keel. Correct? (and CLT issues, I pressume).

So, IF, you could turn a really large prop, say 100", which would *then* be the limiting factor?

Gearbox strength, engine torque, CLT, or maybe a bit of each?

Just wondering.

The guy working that angle of development is Carl Schneider. He's runnung a HKS motor with a 76" Prince p-tip prop. I think the ratio is 3-1. As far as limits, I think your right on all counts plus available gearbox ratios. That would be one TALL Gyro...