Ron Awad

Gyro, you did read the dates on the above posts? This thread was started about 3 years ago.... A long time ago in my life!

Still have the 2 seat mid winger.... I did'nt! I was wondring how on earth it accumulated 3 pages so fast.

My bad....ok so who drug this out of the woodwork and got me thinkin this just happend??....Ok it was U I just backed it up and found out.

these threads need to change color on somthing after they are a month or two old. sheesssh
Really sorry to hear about your plane. Hope it works out.

well crap i posted before i finished reading too and it wont let me delete...
Joe, when you hit the "Edit" button of your post, there are four buttons at the bottom. You have to hit one to repost after you edit, but there is also one marked "Delete." In fact, I should have used that button a lot more in the past.
Tail draggers must be a bit like retractables. There are those that have and those that have yet to land wheels up.

Aussie Paul. :) does a high time instructor ground loop a plane. Are you sure this is the guy you want to get your certification under?? I know we all screw up every now and then but that is scary!

Heck I learned to fly a short coupled team minimax (taildragger)without any instruction...sure It took me about two weeks of taixing it around before I felt confident that I could T/O & L but an instuctor with several hours should have never let the plane get ahead of him.

Not running this guy down but... Ron, what the flip happended???

There is a little saying about flying tail draggers that goes:
"There are those that have ground looped and those that are going to ground loop."
The more you fly them the better your chances of it happening.

" There is a little saying about flying tail draggers that goes:

There are those that have ground looped and those that are going to ground loop."
The more you fly them the better your chances of it happening. "

Interesting saying, I wonder when I'm going to ground loop one, been flying tail draggers now for 54 years and have around 15,000 hours on so many different types of tail wheel aircraft including tail wheel helicopters that I can't remember them all and still have never ground looped one.

The question I guess is will I die of old age before I ground loop, will I lose my medical and never ground loop one?

The saying sounds real macho but is pure nonesense. :rant:
Don't worry MJ I plan on living for a long time.

In fact I was talking to my Aviation doctor just a few weeks ago about this very thing, he asked me how the aerobatics thing was going and I told him I had quit. He was suprised and asked me why? When I explained that it was all the B.S surrounding the Air Show scene and the boredom of sitting all day on some God forsaken airport ramp just to fly a 12 minute routine over and over he understood.....oh and I don't have to take the extra medical exam any more...its a win win.

Still thinking about finding my way down to the gyro meet this spring.
I dont have near the hours in a TD as some of you --Ive never ground looped --yet--I came damn close one time --I did the two step on the rudder pedals and (luckily ) applied power in the right amount at the right time-- I went up later that day and shot several full stop landings to restore my confidence!! That incident occurred about 12 yrs ago !!
Rotornut, I am not familiar with Ken Brock.

Chuck, I am very impressed with your record. However you cannot deny the fact that anyone who flies a taildragger has at least some potential of ground looping. No matter the what their experience level.
With each flight more experienced is gained and the chances go down but it is still there.