And btw, the instructor refused to accept any money from me that I owed him for his instruction. That was all the " Help " I got out of him for messing up my plane. Of course he was doing me a favor coming down to my checkride and flying my plane back, so I couldn't fault him too hard. I still see him nearly every weekend and were still friends.
I had to pay the deductable and then another few thousand dollars due to me deciding to do a full overhaul on the engine while it was apart for inspection. I ended up with a little over 30 grand invested in the plane when it was all said and done and when I sold it I got about all that I had into the plane. So that wasn't too bad.
Gyro, how does a high time instructor ground loop a plane? Well it was very windy and gusty that day and shortwing piper taildraggers are not airplanes that I would call easy to land, you can get behind the plane pretty quick. The instructor had only 2 or 3 takeoffs and landing in this type total, and just wasn't apparently good enough to deal with a strong gusting tailwind on a narrow runway with it.... You know, some people have it in their minds that a instructor pilot equals a super skilled or great pilot. This is not always the case, sometimes the rating just means the pilot has put in the time and flown the hours and gotten the ratings, it does not mean they are exactly a great or super skilled stick and rudder type of pilot.
I still remember talking to him just before he got into the plane to fly back.... The wind was at the planes tail and was so strong it was slamming the flaps down to the stops - on these planes the flaps are help up on the ground with only a spring, in flight the air holds them up till you pull the lever to put them down - I asked his if he thought he would be okay flying the plane back and he laughed and said " You got insurance guy...." ???????????? I was like " Yeah, but the plane is under insured, so we don't need no accidents! " It was pretty bad.... my gut had told me before he even got into it that he might have a problem, but I let him fly it anyway thinking he would be okay.