Tim Cabins on pusher gyros can cause all kinds of problems. A few that seem to work out okay are the RAF and the Sparrowhawk. But enclosed Tandems are known for being unstable in yaw.
My advise is to put a pod with windshield on it and wear a jacket!
As for my X country in the RF-150.... If I would fly any gyro for 5 minutes then I would also fly the same gyro for 2 hours. I would fly my Dominator anywhere, it just happened that I wanted to fly to Aiken that weekend and I happened to be flying a RF-150. My point is there was nothing special about the 150 that prompted me to go on longer or more demanding flights with it that I wouldn't attempt in another gyro.
I liked the 150 and the way it flew, and I liked it cause it was a simple yet strong airframe.
If I were to really want a cabin type gyro I would look really hard at the Little Wing gyro because the Cabin there is not a cause of problems or concerns. It is a natural cabin class gyro. Not to mention the looks of it would probably be more accepted by the nah sayers at your local airports.
I knew that once you got serious about FLYING and not tinkering around with that helicopter you would come back to gyros! Why not buy Mike Morgans Bensen with Subaru he is selling. Less than 5 grand with a trailer and I know the machine and know it to be a safe and strong gyro. Your light enough to get good performance out of the little Subaru.