We need to be cautious before selectively quoting statistics.
The best numbers we have (without a hundred hours of detailed research into the history of the
RAF 2000 production timeline)
Rotorspot is the online hotspot dedicated to rotorcraft registrations/serials and production data. Rotorspot detailed search results can be found on this 'database search result' page.
the numbers produced (638, ignoring 6 Sparrowhawks which I will consider separately), which may be an underestimate.
Aviation Safety Network: Aviation Safety Network: Databases containing descriptions of over 11000 airliner write-offs, hijackings and military aircraft accidents.
the number of fatal accidents (28), which may be a slight underestimate. It is certainly worth
reading the summaries of these accidents...
Therefore the fatals/hulls percentage is 28/638 or
4.4% [about 1 in 23 of these machines has delivered a fatality]
The comparable figures for the
Sparrowhawk are
Rotorspot is the online hotspot dedicated to rotorcraft registrations/serials and production data. Rotorspot detailed search results can be found on this 'database search result' page.
Aviation Safety Network: Aviation Safety Network: Databases containing descriptions of over 11000 airliner write-offs, hijackings and military aircraft accidents.
Therefore the fatals/hulls percentage is 4/89 or also
4.4% [about 1 in 22 of these machines has delivered a fatality]
I am unable to distinguish between machines which had a H-stab, and those that did not. We might expect an improvement, in which case the
non H-stab fatal rate would be significantly
worse than 4.4%.
For comparison, here are the fatal/hulls % for the "Big Three", based on more accurate data than the above.
AutoGyro - 1.3% [1 in 77 machines]
Magni - 2.2% [1 in 45 machines]
ELA - 4.4% [1 in 23 machines]
Overall - 1.9% [1 in 51 machines]
Encouragingly, most of the accidents are in the fairly distant past, and the "Big Three" fatal rate is certainly in long-term decline, although there were - and may still be - sharp differences between countries.