R22 crashes into parked Cessna

After the Mooney at last year's Oskosh and this Cessna, it's beginning to look pretty dangerous to park an airplane.
After the Mooney at last year's Oskosh and this Cessna, it's beginning to look pretty dangerous to park an airplane.
FOR REAL! Reckon that Mooney owner was made whole after the NTSB report came out?
Maybe not yet. Those legal wheels turn slowly sometimes, and I don't think there was much insurance across the three aircraft.
Looks like he lost tail rotor effectiveness in a hover and spun around a couple times before hitting the ground and breaking the tail off. Too bad he didn't roll the throttle off when he was in the air. The violence of the motion after he hits the ground is pretty horrifying. I used to wear a helmet while training, and now I'm thinking I never should have gotten out of that habit.
Looks like he lost tail rotor effectiveness in a hover
He clearly had inadequate pedal after the tail impact and TR separation (of course), but from the shadows early in the video I'm not sure he was already turning in that same direction before impact. I don't see much to indicate wind, which would be an essential factor to lose TR effectiveness in an R22. You can handle a pretty strong quartering tailwind in those things without LTE.
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