One More Try - Looking for help

Agree, if I'm paying for access then the forum should be commercial free, no politics, religion, hateful speech.
Define politics , religion and hate speech please .... very difficult

(By the way I am not against you .... just pointing out the impossibility of a pure world)

For example ... a disgruntled gyro pilot landed his machine in Washington to deliver letters to congress members. We discussed it here and the whole thing had political undertones.

A certain religious group used USA aircraft to destroy the world trade center , the pentagon , and wanted to destroy the White House . The result upended aviation and freedom for all of us . The whole topic has religious undertones.

Many of us "hated" the factory of an otherwise nice gyro (RAF) because they would not fix stability issues .... some raw and nasty fallout . Was that hate speech or passionate appeals for safety ?

Hard to draw a line in the sand. Hope that makes sense. Thanks.
I say you go forward and let there be some minimal ad's on the forum. Another forum I go to, for the Sonex airplanes, it just has a pop up ad when you first log on... Just X out the ad and its gone and not a big deal. If that one ad helps support the forum without asking for donations or subscriptions I say do it. Probably easier than trying to manage and keep up with who donated what and when.

Then perhaps a sticky page under news, with a Paypal address for those that want to donate on top of that... And you could split any money received that is over the operating costs between the owner ( Todd ) and the moderator team... Maybe use it to buy Gift Cards to Outback or something as a thank you for everyone's efforts. Do that and I will gladly offer my moderation services again!!! Maybe throw me a extra Outback card as payback for moderating here for years and years and years! Don't forget GyroMike's card either, although he might like Popeyes Chicken better.
YES , YES and YES .
Give relevant gyro manufactures , part suppliers and instructors advertising space . Keep the ads pleasant and non-intrusive . Keep the fees so low they can hardly say no. It would provide a trickle of permanent income

And if needed , appeals for voluntary donations to top it off once in a while (like we used to do here)

ps: your other posts were also spot on too

As far as paywall - subscriptions mentioned elsewhere , I am not in favor .... it would close the door to potential newbies and lurkers who may become gyro pilots.

We need more readers , not less.
Always happy to contribute to this good cause.

However, I do see politics as an important aspect of all facets of life, because it affects all facets of life and business, as well as our ability to continue to fly.

As big-tech is clamping down on our rights for free speech, anywhere that can be found to communicate freely is important to maintain as an outlet.

We have many topic areas in this forum. What would be the harm to add another topic for strictly "politics", unless you are one of those that simply want to suppress others' viewpoints? That would allow us that would like to discuss politics to do so in a place that all who what to participate can do so without the need or retaliation of censorship. It can just be understood by all to beware before entering that this is a topic area that can be offensive to one's political views. Therefore you have nothing to complain about if you enter and read the posts. This will allow us that want to share our political views with other forum members here to be able to do so. This way everyone gets what they want (except those that want to suppress others' political veaws).

As I said, politics affect our rights to build and fly, so why not have a place to talk about it on this forum?

In the end, it's Todd's forum, we play ball on his field and we have to follow his rules.

I agree with all your suggestions . I could be the best of both worlds with a place to release political steam without insulting the tenderfoot members (but I guarantee they would read it anyway)

I liked all your posts on the previous trump thread .... informative and educational and no personal insults toward anyone.

I dont know who your sources were , but it was all good .
I agree with all your suggestions . I could be the best of both worlds with a place to release political steam without insulting the tenderfoot members (but I guarantee they would read it anyway)

I liked all your posts on the previous trump thread .... informative and educational and no personal insults toward anyone.

I dont know who your sources were , but it was all good .

Thanks. I do a lot of research. I read both sides of the political scene and gather what makes since, or what I know to be true. I also post just interesting political news even if it's not true, but I find it entertaining and like to share.

I think it's a good idea to make one section for political posts. It's like going to a bookstand in a store. There are books you don't like there, so don't pick them up and read them! Those that complain then are just wanting to oppress others and make trouble, just like the guy that sent Todd hundreds of emails to complain, just so he could silence others from spreading news he personally didn't want other people to see. And if Todd did agree to set up a political section, if someone enters it and bitching to Todd, they should be banned for breaking the no-bitching rule about entering the political thread that they did so voluntarily.

Again, Todd's ballfield. His ball. His rules apply. His decision.
I haven't flown my gyro in a dozen years. It's a nice single seat dominator that's collecting dust. Who knows, as my working life slows down I may find time to fly the gyro again. I do fly an RV9 that I'm a partner in but even find myself not flying that as much as I should.
Life sure gets in the way mate.
You are clearly still interested if you still own one, but not being fully active just makes your efforts regarding the forum more so commendable.
Well done and thanks, this forum is like the hub in the wheel.

On top of our donations I am in favor of ads as well, with an emphasis on gyro manufacturers and related items. I would hope all those who use adblock apps will whitelist this site. I've never minded magazine ads that were related to its subject matter.

Question: Do the donations via the link mentioned above go to the hosting company or Todd? And if to the hosting company, what happens to any excess money if we donate more than the cost? I ask because it'd be kinda nice if Todd and the moderators could see a few bucks from a grateful community.
On top of our donations I am in favor of ads as well, with an emphasis on gyro manufacturers and related items. I would hope all those who use adblock apps will whitelist this site. I've never minded magazine ads that were related to its subject matter.

Question: Do the donations via the link mentioned above go to the hosting company or Todd? And if to the hosting company, what happens to any excess money if we donate more than the cost? I ask because it'd be kinda nice if Todd and the moderators could see a few bucks from a grateful community.
The donations come directly to me. The administrator is just keeps the forum software updated, patched and maintains the server. They have nothing to do with day to day operations of the forum.

The donations have been coming in and it is sincerely appreciated. As I said before, the forum isn't terribly expensive to run but it's certainly nice to "share" the expenses with everyone here. Your generosity is appreciated.
The donations come directly to me. The administrator is just keeps the forum software updated, patched and maintains the server. They have nothing to do with day to day operations of the forum.

The donations have been coming in and it is sincerely appreciated. As I said before, the forum isn't terribly expensive to run but it's certainly nice to "share" the expenses with everyone here. Your generosity is appreciated.
That's wonderful to hear, Todd. My wife handles all the PayPal transactions so I will have her make the donation this evening.

You know, it's the weirdest thing... preparing for the forum to close was a little like watching a friend pass away. The idea of it going away bummed me more than I expected. So glad we found a cure in time.
Always happy to contribute to this good cause.

However, I do see politics as an important aspect of all facets of life, because it affects all facets of life and business, as well as our ability to continue to fly.

As big-tech is clamping down on our rights for free speech, anywhere that can be found to communicate freely is important to maintain as an outlet.

We have many topic areas in this forum. What would be the harm to add another topic for strictly "politics", unless you are one of those that simply want to suppress others' viewpoints? That would allow us that would like to discuss politics to do so in a place that all who what to participate can do so without the need or retaliation of censorship. It can just be understood by all to beware before entering that this is a topic area that can be offensive to one's political views. Therefore you have nothing to complain about if you enter and read the posts. This will allow us that want to share our political views with other forum members here to be able to do so. This way everyone gets what they want (except those that want to suppress others' political veaws).

As I said, politics affect our rights to build and fly, so why not have a place to talk about it on this forum?

In the end, it's Todd's forum, we play ball on his field and we have to follow his rules.

Because there is a huge difference between civil talk and suggesting others take up arms and take action (as you were suggesting). These issues aren't just about the right to fly. These issues and the feelings they generate carry over and denegrate the rest of the forums. Surely you have other places on the internet to talk about politics. I would opine that this forum is not the last bastion of free speech.
Advertisement's from gyro related companies are a bad idea if a forum is to be neutral.

I'm yet to see a forum where political discussion remains neutral, it always shifts to the side of moderator bias, often intentionally. Political discussion should continue, but either unmoderated or with subsections for different moderators, otherwise it would become hostile for whoever disagrees with the moderators.
There's an awful lot of talk about supporting RWF financially, you contribute, it shows for all to see, we know who's not contributing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, no excuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Gold Supporter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I used to be active here, and I've not walked away due to politics, but due to bickering and personal attacks. That's what needs moderation most, in my opinion.

That said, when a newbie comes here, and the threads which sort to the top are angry, political, sometimes-conspiratorial rants, what kind of introduction to the sport is that?

I think the forum will do fine with ads, especially if a small annual contribution allows opting out. It's my expectation that the off-topic stuff will have to find a new home if the on-topic posting - and subscriber count - are to increase.
Facebook and Twitter censor people. Un-American and unconstitutional. None of that for me...
The US Constitution's First Amendment protects you from government limiting your right to expression in public. It does not compel Todd, Facebook, Twitter or anyone other non-government entity, to provide you a channel for distribution of your ideas.

It does, however, also guarantee us the right of association, meaning Todd or anyone else can choose to include you in their circles of conversation and debate, or exclude you. So, in that sense, censorship in a private forum is completely American. The whole idea is keeping the government out of censorship.

In no way does the First Amendment shield you from the social or economic consequences of the reaction of other citizens to what you choose to say with your freedom. "Cancel culture" may go too far at times, but that's also behavior protected by the First Amendment.
OK ...I just read back a few posts & found some directions on how to find the paypal button!
My $ support is IN!
Again many thanks Todd for all you do & reconsidering the demise of the forum & I DO hope life gets OUT of the way before too long & you get to dust off that Dominator!

"Gold supporter" ...ONLY shows up IF you do not already have a byline under your forum name! Lots of us are "GS" ...but incognito!:sneaky:
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If enough people become gold supporters, ( and really, is there any one of you regulars who can't afford $25 per year), then the issue of advertising is rendered moot.
Todd has repeatedly made it clear that he doesn't want political posts on HIS forum, so this issue should be moot also. Mere politeness and good manners should make it so.
A bit of gentle moderating should be able to deal with occasional snarkiness.
People often don't realise how forcefully they may come across to others, particularly in print, as my wife regularly reminds me.

So ...... GET CONTRIBUTING !!!!!
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