New Sparrowhawk Web Site

Jerry Carter

Aug 25, 2004
Memphis, TN
RV-7, Helicycle
Total Flight Time
Ok, I asked Randy Copeland to do this, but he didn't seem too interested. :rolleyes: Sooo, I've decided to put my Sparrowhawk builder's log on the web, for what it's worth. In case anyone else is interested in doing this, there is a site at that lets you log your building progress and post pictures, and it's free if you sign up before December 31st.

My site is
Jerry, that's a great site. Looks like some parts are a BFFI fit (Brute Force and... Flying.. Ignorance) but you seem to be motoring right along!

I see Terry's paying attention. If the factory checks your log they can see where the instruction manual needs improving. If they don't, then at least the builders can see it. Everyone I have met from AAI seems intent on doing the very best job possible, so I bet they are watching your log.


Thanks, Kevin. I think it's important for someone to go public with their builder's log. A number of RV builders did it, and it sure helped me. I might also pick up the occasional tip from people following my construction. Anyway, it's all being done with good intentions. I would think AAI would be interested, but they probably have their hands too full to be very interested in my little web site.

Rob at says that he is working on a way to print out the log so that it could more easily be used to document construction for the D.A.R. inspection.
New web

New web

Congratulation Jerry for your site web!! your initiative is wonderful; they would have to take it of example the other home constructors.
Thank you very much!!
I hope you good job and happy Christmas.
great site!

great site!

Great pictures! When I built my Sparrowhawk I put together a journal with some pics... I am now starting to build a second one and It is going together WAY FASTER! Having the record to look back on and the experience of doing it makes all the difference! I would spend at times 40 mins - 1 hr. looking at drawings and then 10 mins of actual work. A little picture and some tips goes a long way! Great job! Here's my site, with no builder log YET!