New Category - Flying Photos


Staff member
Oct 28, 2003
Spokane, WA
Dominator Gyro / RV9
Total Flight Time
500 Hours
As a result of the recent debate regarding flying pics, I have created this new category, "Flying Photos".

Once I began moving threads, I realized this is probably a very good idea. While I enjoy everyones pictures, these flying photo threads have taken over the "General Discussion" category.

Please continue to post your flying photos, just use this forum instead. Lets leave the General discussion thread for General Discussion.
Can you Please put something on the tittle to this section that says fixed wing or any non gyro flying pics are okay? I don't want to have to fight again.
GyroRon said:
Can you Please put something on the tittle to this section that says fixed wing or any non gyro flying pics are okay? I don't want to have to fight again.
It is Done

I thought the flying pics were ok in the Gen Discussion area. It is GENERAL topic of conversation. Sorry I missed the town meeting.

John, you are right the pictures are a topic for general discussion but actually so are all topics posted here.

I think what differentiates a General Discussion topic and others is that the 'Others' are specific topics that have demonstrated that they attract a lot of interest and where a lot of related threads were expected to be posted. Picture postings have become very popular with an increasing number of threads being posted and are deserving of a separate forum. This is an example of Rotary Wing Forum growth.

Todd initially seeded Rotary Wing Forum with the obvious forums and has added others as the need presented itself. It turns out that there was a need for a Flying Pictures forum. It is a testament to Todd's initial organization that he hasn't had to change the format or manipulate Rotary Wing Forum anymore than he has. But I doubt if it is the last time he has to make a change.
Yeah Dean Sensei but, next time I hope someone goes around consulting others in private and then come here and post a suggestion, asking NICELY for the change and improvement.
Agreement, accordance are in and censorship, bashing are out!
I like a separate forum for pictures. I have a T1 line at the office, but only dial up at home. I like to read the general discussion at home, but the pictures slow it down a lot at 56k. Now I can look at the pictures when I have a faster connection and read the text only on the weekend or evening when I have a slow connection.
John, you mentioned: "I thought the flying pics were ok in the Gen Discussion area. It is GENERAL topic of conversation."

I agree with you. I too think the general section is the best place for flying pictures, but either way is fine with me. As Todd mentioned there are a lot of them recently (which is great) so a separate section is also appropriate.

I regret that Ron misinterpreted my requests to place non-rotorcraft posts in the "off topic" section, which was created for non-rotorcraft posts. Unfortunately, Ron thought I had some problem with "flying photos", but that's not the case - I love to see them - taken from gyro or fixed wing aircraft. My only comment was to avoid posting non-rotorcraft posts in the rotorcraft section.

This misconception seemed to get out of hand leading to the creation of the new flying photo section, which really has nothing to do with my requests. I’m sorry I apparently caused such a problem - didn't mean to.
The confusion originated from the fact that "Off-topic" category is a huge bag, full of a number of things: jokes, war stories, family pictures, web junk, trash, "offensive material", etc. Ron didn't like to put his pictures there, a quite valid point of view.

This new category, special for flying pictures, is a very clever idea and fits as a glove.

At the end of the day, Ken and Ron disagreement became a very good improvement for everybody. :)
jucie said:
At the end of the day, Ken and Ron disagreement became a very good improvement for everybody. :)
I agree, I think it helps clean up the General Discussion area for just that...discussion.
I am sorry to all of you and to Ken for having made such a stink over where I put my pictures. I am trying to quit smoking - I have smoked a pack a day since I was 15 - and I am kinda grumpy these last few days.

Sorry once again.
I agree with Vance, Ron.

But hey, I smoked up to 3 packs a day for 30 years. Stopped several times during that period...but ...stopped cold turkey, 30 years ago. It's a grind for a while Ron, but stick with it. Everything will taste better, smell better, look better, feel better...and fly better. I know...been there, done that. ;)

Cheers :)

PS Look at the extra money you'll have for the "machines." :D
Ron: have everything going for you....good job..good family...good fleet of just keep this going by quitting that smoking and your life expectancy will increase to even further enjoy what you have going for you.

Best of luck...

My wife came home from church this evening and the guest speaker said it was statistically proven that if a wife kissed her husband and told him she loved him before he left for work that he would live longer. Guess I'll be 150!

My Grandaughter goes flying

My Grandaughter goes flying

My Grandaughter visited a week ago and couldn't wait to go fly with her pap. Her MOm and Dad weren't real thrilled with the idea but gave in. Taylor had been in large jets but nothing like Lucky Lady. She was real calm the whole ride and loved the view. I was thrilled to have her as my co-pilot!


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