The one thing I didn't ask, which I should, is if this is available on the certified factory builds. If so, I imagine a change of this nature couldn't be implemented without FAA certification review.
The one thing I didn't ask, which I should, is if this is available on the certified factory builds. If so, I imagine a change of this nature couldn't be implemented without FAA certification review.
I would guess an answer to be no.
FAA allowed very leniently Rotorsport structural and flight test reports and analysis that already existed from BCAR Sec T compliance instead of requiring FAA DERs to guide certification for AG models saving them millions. But if a change like this would have to go in FAA likely would require a DER. Also Rotorsport UK does not have the same personnel in place and is a much much smaller operation now with only one or two people holding the torch full time. So I doubt this would make it to certificates model.