Negative opinions would be appreciated

Hey Chuck evn if they do have to make a repair they wont be ther for 4 or 2 weeks and your back in buisness! :D :) :D
mceagle said:
Chuck, any pilot that cannot operate their gyro or ultralight from nearly 800 yds of strip should go back and do more time with their instructor.

Paul as you said i sure hope they were talking feet otherwise i agree with Tim :eek: , and in a hurry too :D
Thomas, Thanks! I will check into this!

If anyone finds some killer deal on a 'strip' of property IN THE SOUTH EAST I might be a willing co-investor. Just let me know.

My GF and I have been disscussing moving south after her kids are out of high school. Or buying a 'winter' home down south.
A few miles northwest of Aiken South Carolina is a nice Airport community called Twinlakes. They have several lots still up for sale right on the runway. The runway is paved and quite long. Tons of activity at that airport too, lot's of experimental aircraft in the hangars there. I think a lot can be had there for well under 30 grand.
GyroRon said:
A few miles northwest of Aiken South Carolina is a nice Airport community called Twinlakes. They have several lots still up for sale right on the runway. The runway is paved and quite long. Tons of activity at that airport too, lot's of experimental aircraft in the hangars there. I think a lot can be had there for well under 30 grand.

I am no longer in real estate but I know of an airfield community in Michigan if you are open to winter weather. Located in southwest lower Michigan ten miles west of Kalamazoo off M-43, Alameda Road, Newman's Airfield. Real nice homes and interesting people all with a variety of aircraft. Many lots still available. Garages double as hangars open at both ends, pretty cool. Give them a Google if you are interested.
Thanks Ron, Lisa and I looked around the internet last night to learn about the place. I did not find any info on the community just the airport and town. Looks right about on target! If you have any more details or info please send it to me.

Thomas, Thanks! However, I am trying to get to warmer weather!
Doug, I abandoned pursuing the 791' piece of property.

Tim Mc, yes, it's 791 feet, not yards.

Tim O, If you're serious about the proposal of a partnership on property in the South East, what about SE MS? I'm already looking at another piece of property.

Thank you all for your help.
Chuck, when I get home I will ask the boss er.. I mean Lisa. I might be getting alittle ahead of the game since we still have 4 years till the crumb snatchers are out of HS.
Chuck there is still property next to me for sale, since you've already been here you know it.
:) :)
I know you don't want to move out of state, but I just thought I'd throw that up since everyone else was trying to help you. :D
Scott, if it weren't for the family here, you would probably have me for a neighbor. That sure is a beautiful place. The country is mighty pretty also.