Anybody have any advice/examples for mounting gopros on a Gyro? A Calidus in my case.
To make a good composition you would want to put it somewhere where you both the landscape and the gyro is in view. Mounting on the tail mainly gives you a belly and some ground. Mounting on the nose only gives you landscape.
For example I have heard some mount theirs on the mast. How would you do that while being really secure not to to through the prop?
Also, I have a chase cam behind my paramotor, kind of tempted to try the same with a gyro. Just need a line that would snap if it got caught...
To make a good composition you would want to put it somewhere where you both the landscape and the gyro is in view. Mounting on the tail mainly gives you a belly and some ground. Mounting on the nose only gives you landscape.
For example I have heard some mount theirs on the mast. How would you do that while being really secure not to to through the prop?
Also, I have a chase cam behind my paramotor, kind of tempted to try the same with a gyro. Just need a line that would snap if it got caught...