as I said earlier, I am not totally convinced if this is the best priority. Be that as it may, cognitive dissonance and all, I am very moved by the hard work and verve of this effort, and so I just made a donation. Good luck, and hope you get there.
Delighted to see efforts being rewarded thanks to some dedicated people's efforts.
A place we gyronauts can call our own, I say 'our because it was the start of a place for all gyro pilots due to the incredible generosity of you Guys and Girls* in the US...and how the sport has been kept alive over there for us all over the globe.'
We have had a LOT of rain the last week at Mentone - we had a BOD Zoom meeting Thursday eve and Jane's update said the paving guys were giving the rock base plenty of time to dry out before the asphalt layer goes on ...planned for Monday!
We are hoping Denis's fundraising blitz at OSHKOSH - will bear more results.
With the PRA raffle account and the runway funds raised to date - we are 1/2 way to paying the bill for this project! Several BOD members will cover the shortfall with short term loans. We hope for a GREAT convention - and those attending - will SEE The PROOF - were are SERIOUS!
"Build it & they will come " and so will the $$$$s!!!"
Having a blast at Oshkosh and pushing the fundraiser hard!
Only one day in so far, but hearing a lot of good reports of people planning to come to Mentone!
All the hard work is paying off!