JR,Thanks for your concern!
The doctors are curious about me having two bouts in as many years, so I'll be getting some invasive testing soon. Meanwhile, I have recovered adequately for my normal activities, which is terrific. It would be an easy diagnosis if I had long term alcoholism, but I gave up table salt, red meat, and alcohol about 40 years ago (just as an experiment to see if my good health would noticeably improve, but I stuck with it all these years) so that drinking explanation just doesn't fit, and they're baffled.
I'm sure that your physician has already checked the usual Amylase, Lipase, and Trypsinogen levels in your blood. They most likely tested the amount of fat in your fecal sample.
X-rays, CT, and ultrasound images can show some abnormalities of the pancreas. The best form of imaging for the pancreas is the Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). A much better view than from the three previously mentioned imaging methods. If an MRCP has yet to be performed, push to have it done.
The invasive testing you mentioned would most likely be an Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ERCP is a specific test for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis. A special side-viewing endoscope called a duodenoscope will be inserted into one's esophagus, down past the stomach and into the duodenum of the small bowel. The duodenoscope is designed to check the bile and pancreatic ducts. The physician will inject a dye into the ducts and then take detailed images by x-ray to check for any abnormalities and/or restrictions.
The other thing to consider is if one has been diagnosed with calcium plaque in the Coronary Arteries. That same type of calcium plaque buildup can also be found in the arterial system that flows into other organs of the body causing the same type of blood flow restrictions.
Read up all that you can on this subject so you can make informed decisions with your physicians.
P.S. Forum IT, whatever spelling and grammer checker that is being used within the operating system. I spend more time re-editing my posts to correct the spelling and grammer errors after my posts has been submitted than one should.
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