Please see pictures, seems to be all there except for 3 spark plugs. Turns over nicely. Has been stored inside. And that is the extent of my knowledge of it!
I'd like to trade it for a running VW engine... to put in my '65 Beetle. I'm not picky, I'll even take a 40 horse at this point. (emphasis on "running," not so much "ran.")
Or, please feel free to make me a cash offer.
I live in Norco, CA, by Riverside/Corona.
I can also bring it to the Ken Brock Fly In at El Mirage this September.
PRA Chapter 1 member
I'd like to trade it for a running VW engine... to put in my '65 Beetle. I'm not picky, I'll even take a 40 horse at this point. (emphasis on "running," not so much "ran.")
Or, please feel free to make me a cash offer.
I live in Norco, CA, by Riverside/Corona.
I can also bring it to the Ken Brock Fly In at El Mirage this September.
PRA Chapter 1 member