Joining PRA


Dec 26, 2005
titan Tornado II, snobird gyro
Total Flight Time
a lot
I have emailed PRA numerous times trying to join but never get a reply. Does anyone on this list work for PRA or know anyone there? I would like to join and start getting the magazine. If you could ask them to send me the info I would appreciate it. I will pay for the magazine and subscription once they send it out. Thanks.

Bill Briley
203 old oak rd.
Raeford,NC 28376
That is downright ridiculous.:mad:

Pam...or anyone; do you have a plausible answer????? I'd like to hear it.

whbriley said:
I have emailed PRA numerous times trying to join but never get a reply. Does anyone on this list work for PRA or know anyone there? I would like to join and start getting the magazine. If you could ask them to send me the info I would appreciate it. I will pay for the magazine and subscription once they send it out. Thanks.

Bill Briley
203 old oak rd.
Raeford,NC 28376

Not being a large organization with a full-color magazine, and associated budget, you will not receive anything until you send in your membership fees and then ROTORCRAFT magazine will arrive subsequently.
whbriley said:
I have emailed PRA numerous times trying to join but never get a reply.

Bill Briley
203 old oak rd.
Raeford,NC 28376

Kevin; please read the above quote again.

No wonder the organization is going to hell.

I wouldn't expect them to reply to someone who insisted they send the magazine BEFORE they paid for it. How many organizations/magazines would?
I think some kind of reply explaining how things work should be expected.
Jazzenjohn said:
I wouldn't expect them to reply to someone who insisted they send the magazine BEFORE they paid for it. How many organizations/magazines would?

Reread the first sentence of his post.

If I emailed an organization numerous times without getting a reply I wouldn't have a good feeling about sending them money until I received word back from them.
He's not asking for the mag before he pays. He's asking for the info on how to join and says he'll pay for the magazine, etc. once he gets the info on how to join sent out.


I run the PRA booth at Oshkosh the last five years and I hear this every day. They can not get a hold of the office. we should have a answer machine at the least. Wait a minute we have a secretary.

A reply is in order.... I will try to help....

First off, why not just call the office? I call in at least once a month....
Yes.... sometimes you may not get someone... but most of the time you will. If you don't know the number... try Go to the JOIN page and get the phone number.

I must apologize for the website not letting you sign up. It used to work fine, but then some things had to be changed (host server) and now the encryption system that was set up to make the system secure, won't let anyone use the online system. We are working on it, but I am not a programmer, and the web-team (all volunteers) has not solved the issues yet.
The office Manager gets around 50 emails a day (including week-ends)
so getting to your E-mail does not happen instantly.

It bothers me that some people judge an organizations after only a day or two of E-mails (not person-to-person) and then spread the BAD NEWS as quickly as they can.

If you want faster results, get on the phone until you talk to the office manager. You will see results.

The PRA is going through some tuff times right now. And the members need to think about what they can do to help save they're (our) organization.

I will post more about that in a new thread.


Tim Blackwell
Paypal is free so why doesnt PRA set something up?? I dont even know how much to send in and where to send it.
The statement about sending a magazine out before getting a payment is done all the time. Magazines bill people all the time for subscriptions and I would gladly mail a check, paypal or whatever they want to join. I just want the magazine for the most part. Im not sure what PRA can do for me, or if they do the same stuff as ASC or EAA--not sure. I just want a magazine to read and stay current but this list is pretty good for that. I just need to rig the computer up next to the toilet so I can have a better read.

Bill Briley
Raeford NC
gyroblackwell said:
...It bothers me that some people judge an organizations after only a day or two of E-mails (not person-to-person) and then spread the BAD NEWS as quickly as they can.
A day or two? How about a month or two, or three? I don't want point any fingers but in my experience the PRA office needs help sorting and replying to emails. A day or two can turn into a month or two or three of repeated emails with no response.

Tim - maybe as an officer of the board you can have some of the emails routed to you and to some of the other officers, so you can help replying to members and prospective members. Not responding to prospects (or to members) in a timely manner is bordering on criminal in an organization who’s life blood is membership and who is starving for members right now.

I am sorry if this is offending anyone but I am writing this because I see a big problem with our PRA and I don't know how else I can help make it better. If anyone wants more details about my own experience, PM me.

"The office Manager gets around 50 emails a day...."

How many are inquiries for membership? Are you counting spam? A quick scan of the subject line will easily differentiate those from the others and membership inquiries should be given top priority. But the others should be too. If someone is asking a question about something else and never gets an answer, that's a potential drop-out from the PRA. If none of the e-mails are answered, what other activity occupies 20+ days of the month? Is it a full-time, 40 hour per week job or part-time?
Hell, I just picked up the phone and called them it's cheap enough. I got a really nice and very very (Gyro)educated lady on the other end. I felt like I was talking to one of the boys out at the auto garage when I asked her some technical questions. Can't think of her name right off hand but give em a call. I was well surprized with all the info I got.
Hi all.

I m a on off member since decades.
If it is possible for me to be in contact and keep my dues current from out here, its a piece of cake for you guys there.
I pay my dues when ever the $ transfer is open for US. Some times twice a year, which is adjusted accordingly.
Thank you. Pam Bundy.
I personally am proud to be a PRA member.
Gary Goldberrys efforts are greatly appreciated. Dont want to see PRA die.
Wishing the PRA the best of success.

Rehan Janjua
Air Command.Pakistan
The PRA office should operate an answering machine. That way you can leave your name, phone number, and a short message about what info you need. That way Pam or whoever can do the research and ring the person back. NOW people will accept that kind of operation. That is professional in this day and age.

Aussie Paul. :)

If the automated credit-card system is down, couldn't we post a printable application, tell them how much dues are, and provide instructions to submit it by mail? If e-mails are going unanswered for long periods of time, why even provide the link?

Beyond that, how can PRA, in 2006, still have officers, directors and an office manager who ignore the internet? Fifty e-mails a day is not a big number if they're briefly acknowledged, then many of them forwarded on to the officers, board members or writers who should really be answering them.
Mark, how long ago was it that someone answered the phone at the PRA office? More than 2 weeks ago? I've been hearing rumors bouncing around from numerous people that Pam has not shown up to work for 2 weeks because she hasn't been getting paid. There, it's out of the bag. Any comment from anyone who really knows, like maybe a board member or Pam herself if she still monitors the Forum? Is this the truth or unfounded rumor? This should liven up the Forum unless Pam herself denies this.
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