Is Horizontal Stabilizer needed question


Gyro's are more fun
Oct 30, 2003
Naperville, IL
SnoBird Tandem Gyro, Robinson R-22, Mosquito XE-285, Assorted Fixed Wing
Total Flight Time
My Mosquito 285 was properly set up with the required lead weight in the nose for my weight.

My question is, when flying at speed my arm gets tired keeping pressure having to hold the stick/cyclic forward. If I release pressure the nose wants to rise up.

Hovering and slow air taxiing does not cause a problem.

My 285 does not have a horizontal stab installed. If I do add a Horizontal Stabilizer to the location made for it. Will the stab relieve some/all of the pressure I need to keep holding the stick/cyclic forward.

The only response I got on the Mosquito Forum from someone building a Mosquito was a horizontal stab would cause more of a nose up movement.

I'm used to flying an R-22. The cyclic always seemed to need only finger pressure.
If you made it adjustable, you could dial in what you want, but I think springs on the control rods would work too....
My Bell 47 has a horizontal stab-like surface that moves with the cyclic (cables on little arms top and bottom ) to level the cabin when the disc tilts forward for speed.