Hirth 2706 winter detailing


Sling-Wing Pilot
Nov 12, 2003
central, ga
Tango 2
Total Flight Time
I took advantage of the cold weather and did a 150 hour decarbon, and so when the engine was apart I decided to detail it a little bit here's pics.


  • [RotaryForum.com] - Hirth 2706 winter detailing
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  • [RotaryForum.com] - Hirth 2706 winter detailing
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  • [RotaryForum.com] - Hirth 2706 winter detailing
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Sure looks clean and nice. Did you use something on the block?
Todd, I used a silver wheel paint for the block and gearbox, the shroud I powdercoated. I couldn't find the right size black wire loom, so I went to the local NOPI store and got some chrome wire loom.
That's one clean looking machine there ,Scott!

Take care of her & she will take care of you !

What fuel pump & carbs do you have there?

Do you do a fuel pump rebuild regularly?

Do you feel it gives better grab to leave the rubber on the PR drive drum?
That is a mikuni fuel pump, should be rebuilt every year, with a MIKUNI rebuild kit, not some cheapo aftermarket kit. Bing 54's just like a rotax.

The rubber on the drum doesn't make any differance that I can tell, I'll have to go to a little bit harder wheel next time. The one on there is an 86 durometer softness, I have been experimenting with different pre-ro wheels from Grainger and McMaster Carr, they cost me about $6 each.
Scott are you broaching the wheels yourself?

I took the original Kryptonics wheel off of my 447 & installed on my SxS. It had been egged a bit but I got it rounded off again. It is a much harder compound.

It works so much better on the high torque PR. But I will need to find a replacement sooner or later.

Keep us informed on your results, please.
Yes chris I am counter boring them for the nut, and then drilling to size and broaching the keyway. I am going to look for a harder compound, I may just have to go over and fondle all the wheels they have in stock over at Grainger.

I made a mistake the durometer is 75A and I am going to try an 80D next time.
Don't get caught!
That Hirth sure is purdy!!!

Hirths rule!

Barry (hirth driver) K (at least on one machine)

It really looks great in person. I aslo liked the little skull caps on Scotts and Phils machine. The Skull caps and warp Drive prop reminds me of the WWII props on big radials.

What Scott failed to mention was the crome colored wire covers. He's really Pimpin out his ride yo.


Hey were's Ron? Isn't this were he comes in and says something like, "The brightness of the engine could blind another gyro in flight and cause a crash." Or "What kind of paint did you use....I heard that %!@#$ brand will eat through your block causing it to lock up while in flight." "Just want you to know.":D :eek: :mad: :o :( :) :cool: ;) :p

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If I had a Hirth I would be making it look at all pretty too, that way it looks good on the trailer as you tow it home from the field you had to land in when one of the dam spark plugs got shot out from all the vibration!

How is that? will that do for now? ;)


Well 150 hours and still going.....a lot of rotax would have already blown a head gasket ........so quick we are to judge....