He's doing WHAT!!??

Why not? I surely don't mind. The points you brought up were probably being thought about by others that don't post. You know me....I'm never at a loss for words. If you told me that I would pour 50G into a gyro about 6 years ago, I would have tried to get you committed, or at least into some heavy therapy. I still can't figure out how I came up with it over the years, let alone the original kit cost. I'm not in any "big spender" class either. I truly believe what someone told me many years ago......"If you want something badly enough, you'll figure out a way to get it. If you don't ever get it, you never wanted it badly enough." I was drooling over a brand new, white Mercedes-Benz station wagon at the time that cost $26,000. Actually it cost $31,000, but I put in an alarm at the guys dealership and home and he knocked 5G off. I'll be darned, but in a year, I drove out of the dealer in the brand new car of my dreams somehow.

Potential alarm customers would see me drive up and make some comment about how I must charge a lot by driving such an expensive car, but I would convince them otherwise by telling them I was successful because my prices were fair and I did a great job for my customers. They almost always tended to agree, because at least 90% of my business was by referral from previous customers. I never had a salesman or advertised. Wait! Am I hijacking my own thread? :eek:
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We of PRA5 are gonna be doing a picnic/BBQ (note that it's not a fly-in) and folks are welcome to fly/trailer/drive in. 2nd weekend in September. It's a long haul up to the Sacramento area, but think we might entice you?

I'm definately not trying to take anything away from your sale or trying to drag your thread off-topic, but if I was going to spend $40,000+ on something with a Subaru engine, it'd be one of these!!! :D

(Yeah, I know it doesn't fly... but OooOoo, it's SO sexy!)


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I have seen Ken's machine and it sounds like a deal to me. Thank you, Vance
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I know exactly what Ken's gyro is worth..........whatever $$$$ someone writes a check for it. The new buyer will be hard pressed to find a more improved well thought out machine. To my fellow cheapskates, don't knock Ken's gyro, this machine is not the hanger queen most gyros end up becoming. He actually flies it(sometimes better than others)!!! And if it was not flying, he was improving it. Hardly any of us have that kind of dedication to this sport. Ken, good luck on your sale.

Scott Heger, Laguna Niguel, Ca SportCopter N86SH
I finally figured some of it out. I drive a 34 year old economy car. That way I have more to throw at my gyro. Except I've burned up the engine twice. :mad:

Tail is painted and waiting for me in the hangar. I'll check it out tomorrow. Paint-guy says it really looks good.

Is this pic of Virgil's J-2, or did I just assume it was?

Thanks, Scott.

John, I have to see where everything is by then and what I'll be flying. If I have the J-2 here by then, I'd be more inclined to fly that up.....maybe.


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    s J-2.webp
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KenSandyEggo said:
Is this pic of Virgil's J-2, or did I just assume it was?

He flew it down to Jennings last year from Arkansas, and I snapped that picture.

Here's another pic from Bastrop last September:


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Kenny hit his head........

Kenny hit his head........

Ok uncle kenny, I know you have now hit your head on that last landing. I know life is too short to wait forever for things you want but I make you a bet that the J2 wont be like you think it is and you will want your little ship back.

Best of luck.

Look our RON may try and buy your RAF.......

Ron tried and made me an offer. I talked it over with my wife for 2 days, but sorry Ron. $4,368.19 is just a little short.

That's why I'm hoping Si gets here soon to check the guy out, so I can get a ride. If I decide I don't like it, my deposit is refundable. But I personally think I'll love it. But then again, I was a divorced man for a time. How could I not like it? It flies and it's cute.....sorta like me.

Whoa! Virgil looks way familiar.......I got it! He looks like a San Diego tourist. He's wearing sandals with socks. Nah. His are white. The tourists usually wear black socks with their sandals.

Does anyone know if Virgil has an e-mail address? I'd sure like to contact him about J-2s. Or any contact info would be appreciated.
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I think he may get bored not being able to upgrade pre rotators, blades, props, instruments, wheels and tires, etc... etc... etc....

Would also have to fly with the doors always on and closed......

Expensive annuals....

higher fuel burn.....

Not easily trailerable....

What is not to love? :)
Ron, Kenny doesn't have to worry about the cost of annuals; he has this gay A&P mechanic that thinks he is cute, and wants to give him a....discount.....

Scott Heger, Laguna Niguel, Ca N86SH
No, no, no, Ron. There is a photo on a website showing one flying with the doors off. I looked at the hinges on one and they just pop out by removing a pin. There's still plenty of stuff to upgrade on a certificated plane. It has an old 320 channel radio and no transponder or encoder. There's a good chunk right there. I like vertical card compasses. None of the instruments are lighted. They have the little red spotlight on the back wall. I could internally light all the instruments. Strobe systems ALWAYS need at least one or two more lights. There were ferry-tanks available for the J-2. I only know of one that has them. I bet I could spend a lot of $$ and time looking for some. I could add a flashing landing light with parts from Pep Boys like I did on one of my Ercou......whoops. Never mind. I never trailered a gyro except to get it to my original flyoff area and back from the S-H conversion as it still needed some work by me. Does the towing company ride count?

I knew up front that they are gas and maintenace hogs, but I'm used to some high-maintenance "things," including some that walk and breath. I'll be posting some photos of my tail and repaired skylight window in the "crash" section.
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Ken, I am sure I can dig up some pictures of someone flying a Cessna with the doors off, but that doesn't make it legal. You could apply for a permit of some sorts to take the doors off, but I don't think you can legally take the doors on and off just cause you saw a picture of another flying that way.

Sure you can upgrade the heck out of something, but the difference is the experimental aircraft you can do the upgrades without the A&P having to help you and sign off on all of it, and no 337 forms are needed. This is all assuming you want to do it legally. I suppose there is nothing stopping you from Illegally flying and working on it as you would a RAF or other experimental..... until you have a accident or some other event that gets the attention of Mister FAA.
GyroRon said:
Ken, I am sure I can dig up some pictures of someone flying a Cessna with the doors off, but that doesn't make it legal. You could apply for a permit of some sorts to take the doors off, but I don't think you can legally take the doors on and off just cause you saw a picture of another flying that way.
Ron I had one of these also. the doors are made for fast removal to fly open.
they are like the hair pin style, same like used on the decatalons airobatic planes.
I have an old air progress magizine,with a write up on the J-2 and it stated removeable doors for observation.

I think his biggest problem will be finding replacement blades. and they are time limited.
The J-2 is a neat machine, but i think he will learn that parts are very hard to find. Don farrington had a bunch of parts back when I had mine, i bought the wing tanks from him. but since he is no longer with us, I don't know where all his parts ended up.
every once in awhile you see one for sale. most the time is becouse the owner can't find replacement parts.
I know becouse my business partner the helicopter CFI has called about several of them.
But i wish him luck with his,and I know he will enjoy it.
Lucky me. My deal includes a truck-load of spares, including a brand new rotor-head (bought from Don Farrington) and a spare set of serviceable blades. The hours left on both sets will more than outlast me, unless I'm still flying when I'm 100 years old. I'll worry about it then. There are also belts, cables, cowlings, tires and much, much more.

I understand that some owner(s) have approached their FSDOs and sold them on the fact that the rotor system is almost identical to the Hughes 269 series (same designer). The Hughes' blades also started out at a 1,000 hour life-limit but since have been extended to around 5,000 hours (I think) with usage. They convinced the FSDO folks that therefore the McCulloch blades should be extended also and the FSDO did it. I'm sure they also told the FSDO that new certified blades were unavailable. I don't know who asked or for how long they were extended, but the person that told me should know and is very trustworthy.

One could also do some mods and get it relicensed in the experimental category. I know that there are limits to flying, but I believe you can always go flying in order to maintain proficiency.

Ron, I would only do the owner-approved work and keep her legal.
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KenSandyEggo said:
Lucky me. My deal includes a truck-load of spares, including a brand new rotor-head (bought from Don Farrington) and a spare set of serviceable blades. The hours left on both sets will more than outlast me, unless I'm still flying when I'm 100 years old. I'll worry about it then. There are also belts, cables, cowlings, tires and much, much more.

I understand that some owner(s) have approached their FSDOs and sold them on the fact that the rotor system is almost identical to the Hughes 269 series (same designer). The Hughes' blades also started out at a 1,000 hour life-limit but since have been extended to around 5,000 hours (I think) with usage. They convinced the FSDO folks that therefore the McCulloch blades should be extended also and the FSDO did it. I'm sure they also told the FSDO that new certified blades were unavailable. I don't know who asked or for how long they were extended, but the person that told me should know and is very trustworthy.

One could also do some mods and get it relicensed in the experimental category. I know that there are limits to flying, but I believe you can always go flying in order to maintain proficiency.

Ron, I would only do the owner-approved work and keep her legal.

sounds like you got a good deal since you got those spares, I hope you will enjoy it and for sure post pics of it in flight from inside and out.
fly safe.
Tim.... AKA Animal.... do you know how to reply to as post without using the quote function? I do not remember a single post made by you where you just posted without the quote. not sure why that bothers me, but I am being honest and telling you that it does!
Ron, small correction to something you said earlier. Once you get your airworthyness certificate. If you do a major change or alteration to your experimental you are supposed to do a 337 and submit it for a field approval since it is a change to the original AW certificate. They usually get signed no problem by the same DAR that did the original inspection, but you still have to do them.
David, where did you get that? 337s are for certificated aircraft. There is no such thing for an experimental. If you do a major change/alteration to your experimental, no matter what it is, all you have to do is fly off 5 hours in a non-populated area and then make a log entry that the modification did not alter the flight characteristics negatively. That's it. No form, no notification to the FAA or anyone.....not even a phone call. Whomever told you that is smoking wacky-weed. Many, many years back, you did have to notify the FAA and get a reinspection, but that was thrown out so long ago, I can't even remember when.