Hawk or Dragon


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2003
nelson newzealand
??? I am doing stip flights in my Montgomery and have a set of 23 foot rotor hawk rotors and aset of 23 foot dragon wings .Can any one tell me which set would be the best set to use.
Re: Hawk or Dragon

John, I am not sure if you have a pre rotoator or not, but I would use the Rotor Hawk blades at this point in your schedule. <br><br>Aussie Paul
Re: Hawk or Dragon

Paul,<br><br>Would you care to elaborate?<br><br>I don't know anyting about the Rotor Hawks, but the DWs are about the most efficient blades you can get.<br><br>Udi
Re:Hawk or Dragon

John, I would say the Rotor Hawk. I 'll take those DW off your hands if you like, straight are they?

Re:Hawk or Dragon

Hey Paul,
Have you ever flown a set of DW's? If so what exactly do you find so wrong that you would recommend keeping Rotor Hawks instead. It just seems that you have some sort of bias against my dad's blades. I was just wondering. The fact that they are difficult to hand start can not be the only reason. The difference in flight chacteristics would lead someone of a logical mind to choose the Dragon Wings. ;)
Re:Hawk or Dragon

Hi Mike,

I agree with Paul about using the Rotor Hawk blades. The main reason is they are good for Student training. First of all they are lower performance so the airspeed won't be as fast. When the student is practicing spinning up the blades for a crow hop and either manages to flap them or damage them while learning. I consider it a less costly mistake with the Rotor Hawks than with the Dragon Wings.

Since John has both sets of blades. He would be better off training on the Rotor Hawks. When he has more hours he will then want to change to the Dragon Wings. Since he will then have more experience.

Of course the Dragon Wings will out perform the Roror Hawks. But like I mentioned above. I'd rather trash a set of Rotor Hawks than Dragon Wings.

That's my 2 cents and I'm sticking with it. :)
Re:Hawk or Dragon

Hi Chuck,
I realized after I went back and read the original post again that the student pilot was talking about crow hopping. I therefore would like to apoligize to Mr. Bruty. I agree that using the Rotor Hawks to learn on would be a good idea. Sorry Paul :-[
Re:Hawk or Dragon

Yeah don't use those dragon wings, You can sell them to me. ;D

seriously, I have rotorhawks and was told they will be great for training, and all, but that I will want to upgrade to dragon wings after I get more experience. ;)l
Re:Hawk or Dragon

:D well gys i have a few hours on them rotor hawks now,i have not tryed the dws as rotor hawks fly grait with know stik shake i will keap the dws knew in the box for now.
Re:Hawk or Dragon

Steve McGowan flew mine with the rotor hawks, he said they are sweet! no stick shake, and they fly great.



It looks like Roger and John can help each other. Once John get's some time on the RotorHawks and converts to the DW, he can sell the Rotor Hawks to Roger so he can train.

John, When your ready, Switch over to the Dragon Wings and you'll see a big performance Differance in your gyro. I was sceptical at first, until I tried them. All I can say is WOW!!! "OH my God!!! She climbs like a rocket and cruises at 70mph. Whips around trees and fly's like I stole it! Who ever says DW are hard to spin up I disagree with. But then again, I have a prerotator.

Roger, Once you get some time and training under the Rotor Hawks, Switch to DW. MHO.

BTW John, Why do you think a few posters here say you can sell your DW to them? Scott Essex has a set of Rotor Hawks, and very soon he will fly my DW and see the light. He listen to me and others, and I think he's ready to buy a set based on what he's heard from people that fly them. THEY ROCK!!!
