Happy Birthday Tom Milton!


Happy B-Day Tom

Ditto........Happy Birthday Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Hey Tom-
Wishing you another year of great flying!
John Rocca
Naples Florida
Tom, I had no idea, I would have bought you lunch today.

I'll buy you dinner thursday night.
Thanks ya'll

Thanks ya'll

I hope I got that right for my southern friends.
I guess I should read the "off topic" thread more often, sorry I'm late to respond.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, much appreciated.

Do not ignore time cube

Do not ignore time cube

I have chosen the time cube as my new basis for actions. I am now controlled by cubicism.

When I was still teaching high school and post-graduate, a former student, a full grown adult, came in and left some materials with me. He had invented a "Whole airplane" rescue device similar to the parachute system now found on Cirrus aircraft.

His drawings depicted a hot air balloon and a Boeing 747 with a large helium balloon sprouting from it's upper cabin region.

Between the images of the two "lighter-than-air" vehicles was the caption "Theory of sameness"

That sold me.
>Between the images of the two "lighter-than-air"
>vehicles was the caption "Theory of sameness"
>That sold me.

Warning: This thread contains material on sameness. Sameness is a theory, not a fact, regarding the perception of similarity between two things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered.

(happy bday Mr. Tom!)