Gyrobee tubing kits


Gold Supporter
Oct 9, 2004
Milan Mich.
I've designed, built, and flown 4 different ultralight gyros. Amassing parts for a 2 place now.
Total Flight Time
Has anyone seen the Gyrobee tubing kits offered by Street Dreams? Apparently they supplied Honeybee Gyros with precut tubing kits for the now defunct Honeybee. They still offer the kits precut but undrilled (some parts may be available predrilled) for $495 shipping included. Starbee doesn't offer an undrilled tubing only kit that I could find (they have one with a seat, tank, and rotorhead and I just found they're offering a predrilled tubing kit) so it may be another option.

Anybody have any further information?
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Thanks Chuck!
Where would I be able to get a flight check?
First you have to get recommended by a Sport Pilot CFI or CFI. Then you have to take your Oral and flight check with a Designated Examiner. Currently there are only 4 for gyroplane. Here's the FAA website for S/P examiners;

Now if your rated in another category/class aircraft or fly a different type U/L then it gets easier.

If your already rated in another category such as private ASEL. Then you need either a Sport Pilot CFI or CFI to recommend you then another S/P CFI or CFI can give the practical test.

If you fly another category U/L then get your S/P rating in it. Then the same answer as above will apply for adding another category/class.

The EAA site at has a wealth of information.

By the way, any dual U/L training recieved BEFORE you were an ASC member does not count. You have to be a registered ultralight student of ASC, EAA or USUA before the training or solo time counts. :(
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Thats great info!!! I'm looking into getting my Sport liscence also, there is just no instructors around here. :(
Go with Starbee

Go with Starbee


If you really want to build a gyrobee-type gyro, use Star Bee. They are far and away the best source for anything having to do with this type of gyro, for two reasons.

1. Their products are, for all practical purposes, perfect. (I say the following only to establish some credibility with you) -- I have a couple of Aero degrees, an A&P, too many pilot tickets, and I've built some stuff here and there. Star Bee makes really good stuff.

2. There are no better people in the gyro community to deal with than Dana and Laura. Their attitude towards their customers is heartwarming. In another life, I was a consultant specializing in customer service with clients ranging from medical practices to defense contractors to car dealers to petroleum products distributors. Star Bee, as a company, needs no consulting when it comes to customer attitude.

I just read all this and it sure sounds like a commercial or something. No ulterior motives here, though. I don't have a Star Bee, and I am not affiliated with them at all. I'm just really impressed with how they operate and what they produce. They add a lot our community.
Yes they are nice people and they are providing a good service to you gyrobee people. Buy from them!!!