Gyrobee initial planning


Junior Member
Jan 4, 2004
Farmington NM
Total Flight Time
Hello Everyone, Just joined this group and am in the initial planning stages for the construction of a Gyrobee. Please advise what mods you would make if you had it to do again.
Some of the honeybee mods seem to be popular.


Gil Strickland
Farmington NM
Re:Gyrobee initial planning


I don't know if you've talked to Ralph Taggart or not, but that would be my first stop. After that, talk to John Landry and Doug Riley. There is also a list of people on Ralph's Gyrobee page that have built. You could try there as well. Most of these people frequent these parts on a regular basis. I'm sure someone will step up.
Re:Gyrobee initial planning


If you're new to gyro flying, I would suggest you pretty much leave the GyroBee as is with regard to anything that would affect it's handling qualities. It handles well and is pretty forgiving "out-of-the-box." But start "improving" it and you'll venture into the hard core test pilot zone where you have no business going (neither do I).

Some of the popular changes to the basic design that should be OK are (in no particular order):

1. Prerotator.
2. Watson tail with a big horz. stab partially immersed in the prop thrust.
3. Pump handle cyclic (instead of the walking beam type cyclic).
4. Steerable nose wheel.
5. Brakes.

With the exception of the prerotator, most of these items could require significant design, machining, and fabrication skills. If you want to keep the cost down and get in the air with minimal hassle, you can't go wrong building to plans WITH THE EXCEPTION of the tail... DO NOT use a Brock tail and rock guard! Build a Watson tail or some other model with a large horz. stab.

Also, adding items to your Bee will very likely result in exceeding the allowable Part-103 UL weight restriction.

To learn more, go back and read all the GyroBee threads both here and on If you have any specific questions, ask away... we're here to help.


John Landry
PRA Chapter #30
Shoreline, WA
Re:Gyrobee initial planning

I'll add an emphatic "Amen" to John's advice about use of an adequate HS. The Watson or something similarly shaped and located is adequate. It should be given 2-3 degrees of negative incidence (leading edge lower than trailing edge, measured with respect to the tail tube).

Starbee Gyro in Mass. is reportedly selling parts and materials. They bought out AEROTEC's remaining stock of rotor heads and have a Web site listing many other items as well.
Re:Gyrobee initial planning

Thanks for the input. I will follow your collective wisdom and advice by building it in accordance with the plans and use the Wilson Tail. After initial training and becoming familiar with the aircraft, I can then make some intelligent decisions on changes, if any. Sure do like the look of your machine though John. :-) Keep the pictures coming....

Thanks again.