Gyro flight to 48 states-- 42 Down 6 left


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2003
Salida, Colorado
Xenon Gyroplane, Cessna 182
Total Flight Time
Sorry for being incommunicado for so long especially to those who sent private messages and posted on the website.
After breaking my arm at mentone things came to a temporary halt. Back flying now though and currently in Montana.
We've been through 42 states so far and have only to get through Idaho, Wash, Oregon, Calif, Utah and Nevada.
We hope to make the El Mirage fly in.
But the Rockies loom ahead for the next few days challenge. Need to fly over two passes at 6,000'.

I'll post more on our website soon.

Rob :D
G'Day Rob,
Legendary Mate!!! :cool: :D That will be some flight going over the Rockies. Fly Safe Rob and regards to the Missuss.
I didn't hear about the broken arm. Please fill me in, was it from the gyro?
Have fun Rob!

If you want some more info on crossing the Rockies you can try and contact:

Scott Johnson
cell on the road is 509-780-8377
laptop E-Mail [email protected]

He has done several crossing in his trike Washington - Oshkosh.
The broken arm story is on my website at

I crossed Bozeman Pass today- lite rain on the way to the pass, then crossed at 6,700' which was 700' AGL. At one point I had a down draft of 600 fpm and was only climbing at 150 fpm so lost 300' quickly. I turned away and went towards where I thought there would be rising air and found some lift and went up to 7,500 feet before I pushed the nose over.

Unfortunately I have had strong west winds keeping my ground speed to 35-40 knots at times. Since my Subaru 2.2 is carbed I have no way to lean the fuel so the very high power settings, the excess fuel and the slow ground speeds are combining to make me fuel up more often.
