Greetings Mentone Aero Club (MAC) Members

Pam Bundy

Apr 30, 2005
Burket, In
Good Morning!
It's time, again, for the Convention at Mentone. Hope to see all of you there. :party:
Pam Bundy
We are out there listening and speaking!

We are out there listening and speaking!

Hi Pam, and other members. Its nice to see our chapter has a spot here too!

Always nice to post and see what other members of the PRA are up to.

I've slowed down a bit, with the big expense of rotors, I am now paying that off and hope to return to a normal building schedule in the near future.

Hope everyone is well, healthy, and are recovering from the recent overeating holiday with gusto.

Tailwinds, Booster Rich:yo:
Am stuff

Am stuff

Hi Pam By your post you cant sleep eather. But iam glad that winter is over for awhile. Did you feel that earthquake this morning? I thought it was alittle wind rocking my trailer so i started to head for the gyro open the door and no wind. MMMMMMM Then it came on the news that we had a earthquake. See ya soon Du:lalala:
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