Forum Moderation

We learn when things go right. We learn when things go wrong. I didn't like the way things "went down" on the forum regarding the sale but, I know there was alot learned especially for me being a newbie to gyros and the forum. Healing has begun and we're wiser for it. Most times the lesson we learn the hard way stays with us the best.
Yea Brian

I like to go outside and play. Siblings do fight but when it's over they play with their sibling like nothing happen. And don't say anything bad about the other. They will protect their sibling. Our brotherhood has one very strong binding force. It is the air we breath, smell and fly in. It is the invisible force that we all love. The outdoors is definately where it is at.

Amen, Thom!

One thing you hit on that I neglected to interject is that (to extend the analogy) siblings, in the face of danger, tend to look out for and protect one another. Good point! Usually the older has been around the block and has information the youngsters don't. Ultimately it's up to the youngsters to decide for themselves if the elder has credibility, or if he was just going around the proverbial corner to score some crack.

I am a certified skeptic, but tend to have a nasty habit that borders on "hero worship" when people prove ideas that go against the popular grain (as opposed to "Poplar" grain :wacko: ) Sorry. Bad pun. But there are a few people here, including you, that I take note of in any discussion. I always end up learning something valuable, and feel better for it.

Brian Jackson
Here Here

Here Here

A driver has a car wreck and everyone sends condolences.

A pilot crashes an airplane and everyone sends flowers.

A biker goes down and we have benefit rides, usually $25 per bike. (Maybe it's just an excuse to ride?)

A gyro goes down and it's an instant world wide gathering of vultures to pick apart the bones.

Well said.
Todd, Mike or Ron,

Please delete my thread under "Wanted" about needing 582 exhaust parts. Or better yet, edit the title for me to read 503 exhaust parts.

Sorry for the trouble. If I could figure out how to fix it myself, I would.


ps. Thanks for all you do for us here.

- Rick
I am trying to post something under the Xenon topic but twice my posts said it will be moderated and then disappear. Am I wasting my time to post again??
1946 now Banned

1946 now Banned

I see Albert's name now comes up as banned. Which post attracted this action, or is it a stupid trick of his to edit his profile showing banned?
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Thank you. I've no objection foreign competition , nor any animosity toward any Eastern country. But that guy was for all appearances no more than an antagonist. I sure won't miss him.
Not defending 1946 at all but what decides who gets banned. What I saw from him were poss that was letting us know what is going on else where. Then he would be attacked by others and antagonized into a "war of words". Then when he strikes back at the ones that attacked him he is the one that gets banned. What happens to the ones that were the actual cause of the problem?

I know some of the history behind 1946 and I'm not defending him nor saying he was unjustly banned, I'm just wondering why some people get away with starting trash talk and make personal attacks and get away with it while others will get banned. Looking back at the thread that got him banned I see more than one person that is guilty of what he got banned for.
Aparently what you didn't see from him was the final straw statement about the poor guy who crashed his gyro near Perth and suffered severe injuries. If it wasn't for low class, this fellow would have none!! All I can say is that the action from the administrator in this case was long overdue - in my opinion.
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Sorry Mark, I didn't see that, I actually quit going to that thread when it got completely out of hand. Your right, there is absolutely no room for those type of statements, if you have no compassion for your fellow gyronaughts then you have no business being part of our group.
To me it look like he got banned mainly due to others peoples reactions = he got banned mainly due to other peoples posts!?
No, He got banned for an asinine unsympathetic pig-ignorant remark concerning
the injuries incurred by a gyro pilot in OZ.

Prior to that, he was mostly a TROLL.

TROLLS put out provocative material to evince a negative reaction from others,
and then whine about that reaction and its consequences, and revel in the
subsequent squabbles between erstwhile friends which they provoke, and the
defence of their drivel by those who are so open-minded their brains fell out.

Well done, Ron.