Foreign Trade!

The canadian healthcare system is not as bad as is depicted on this thread. Yes, you can count on line-ups at Emergency unless you come in via ambulance. It's all triaged, so the most lethal and/or critical patients are seen first. If you're there because you sprained your ankle, you'll sit for a few hours before you get an x-ray.

Most problems occur when people who don't require emergency medical attention clog the hospital. They use the emergency room to sort out flu symptoms and headaches. Mostly that has to do with our doctor shortage and with the babyboomers growing older and requiring more medical attention.

You can bash Canadian Healthcare all you want, but no matter how much money one has in his/her pocket, he/she is going to receive the same treatment and see the same doctor as a member of our government. Good doctors are not auctioned off to the highest bidder and, as was mentioned earlier in the thread, we're not quick to sue.

Carry on with your discussion...
I wouldn't bash your Canadian health care system, but I wonder why you have a doctor shortage.
Originally Posted by spaceman spiff;
“"I agree, I was never a proponent of the re-importation plan."

OK, then we have very little to argue about…”

Not that I want to continue this particular discussion further as we’ve beat it to death, but don’t get me wrong, I do want a government run system that covers all Americans much like they have in Canada and the rest of the free world.

“…Seems bizzare that you would ignore anyone that promotes private control of industry over government control here in a very sucessfull capitalist democratic society more or less founded on that priciple, but what the hey, it's america, believe what you want…”

Seems bizarre to me you would continue to promote the current system that costs us more, yet delivers less health care than most industrialized countries around the world.

From the World Health Organization; HCweb.pdf

“…The United States has by far the most expensive health care system in the world…”

“…the United States spent $4,178 per capita on health care in 1998, more than twice the OECD median of $1,783, and far more than its closest competitor, Switzerland ($2,794).6 U.S. health spending as a percentage of GDP, 13.6 percent in 1998, also outdistanced the next most expensive health systems, in Germany (10.6 percent) and Switzerland (10.4 percent).”

“…In 1996, the U.S. ranked 26th among industrialized countries for infant mortality rates…”

“…the U.S. ranks very low (24th) on disability-adjusted life expectancy… …among high-income countries; only Denmark ranked lower…”

“…The U.S. also has a very unequal distribution of disability-adjusted life expectancy; particularly among males (in which some segments have a much longer disability-free life expectancy than others)20. This should not come as a surprise, however. When a sizable portion of the population lacks access to health care, particularly preventive care, one should expect that they would also be likely to experience more years of disability…”

"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“…So you don't like my source? How about this one conforming the Canadian intelectual rights policy? Many more very similar to this one. Canadian articles complaining how the policy is driving researchers out of canada.... Abstracts describing actual court cases... its for real. my favorite one was an advertizement for a pharmacy that said somthing to the effect of "we can offer lower prices because patent rights are shorter in canada" LOL….”

Well of course you can find Canadians who dislike their system (especially an organization who’s primary purpose is the field of Intellectual Property), but as I posted earlier, the majority of Canadians like their system and for good reason.

“…If you decide to get a cape, mask, and tights, i suggest you change your name. Low 'n Slow doesn't work as super hero name.”

LOL, Good point!
ahancock said:
I wouldn't bash your Canadian health care system, but I wonder why you have a doctor shortage.

Well, there are likely many factors that most of which have nothing to do with the structure of our healthcare system itself. As I previously mentioned, the majority of our population is entering an age bracket that requires more healthcare. The "doctor shortage" is not necessarly at hospitals alone, but simply family doctors have no available space to take on new patients. For this reason, those who are unfortunate enough to not have a family doctor are required to either go to an after-hours clinic or to the emergency room to acquire any medical attention. This is where people who are in no real "emergency" find themselves waiting in the emergency room.

Also, many healthcare providers obtain their medical education in Canada and fly south to where they are often times offered a hefty signing bonus, free travel/moving expenses and a larger salary. This of course can be provided in the good ole U S of A because hospitals there are able to charge their patients whatever fee they wish. Since we're training doctors and nurses here but they're not working in Canada, a shortage is generated.

The system here is by no means perfect. However, the fundamental moral values it represents is what I'm standing by. I don't believe the wealthy are more deserving than anyone else when it comes to the staples of living a comfortable life. As stereotypical as it may be, although we are very close geographically, there seem to be fundamental differences in the way our countries and their populations think... for better or for worse.

To Americans, Canada will always be a British ass-kissing, hockey loving, big sparsely populated land mass full of toques, poutine and healthcare. To Canadians, the USA will always be a power hungry, missile shootin', gun huggin' neighbour that's lead by a monkey. We may never get along. :)
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Getting along is really just a matter of choice, not of agreeing on everything. We are led by a monkey, but once in a while he (or his advisors) is/are right IMO. The old saying around here is - "even a blind squirl finds a nut now and then".
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I guess you are to young to know about Trudeau. Our president just LOOKS like a monkey!!
My uncle in Calgary is always complaing about his stubborn horse. I tell him it's all in the rider's attitude. In Arizona, to get a horse going it's "Giddy-up!" In Calgary it "Giddy-up, eh?"
Also, many healthcare providers obtain their medical education in Canada and fly south to where they are often times offered a hefty signing bonus, free travel/moving expenses and a larger salary. This of course can be provided in the good ole U S of A because hospitals there are able to charge their patients whatever fee they wish. Since we're training doctors and nurses here but they're not working in Canada, a shortage is generated.

Couldn't that be called voting with your feet?

I am to young to recall Trudeau's work, however I don't believe the current population of Canada agrees with you that Trudeau looked or acted like a monkey. He was a fresh politician and was well-loved by this country. In fact, he is considered one of the greatest Canadians of all time.


I don't believe that statement to be true. Fresh graduates are up to their ears in debt. I don't think it's an act of voting or approval. I think it's an act of needing funds to pay off their loans.
Canadians & Neighbors

Canadians & Neighbors

Its hard to read between the line of the entire thread, but it appears we all agree on one of three statements.

1. George Bush ACTS like a Monkey

2. George Bush LOOKS like a Monkey

3. George Bush IS a Monkey.

No, I'm not a Democrat, and no I'm not Republican.

Libertarians have found that over 90% of everyones views have a place within the Libertarian Party. As far as I can tell we don't want to tell any other country who they can or can not kill, nuke, gas, or abuse. Until we get it right at home, we got no business looking, listening, or sniffing at the rest of the pack.

The further removed the government is from my life the happer I am.
