(No More Classroom)
The canadian healthcare system is not as bad as is depicted on this thread. Yes, you can count on line-ups at Emergency unless you come in via ambulance. It's all triaged, so the most lethal and/or critical patients are seen first. If you're there because you sprained your ankle, you'll sit for a few hours before you get an x-ray.
Most problems occur when people who don't require emergency medical attention clog the hospital. They use the emergency room to sort out flu symptoms and headaches. Mostly that has to do with our doctor shortage and with the babyboomers growing older and requiring more medical attention.
You can bash Canadian Healthcare all you want, but no matter how much money one has in his/her pocket, he/she is going to receive the same treatment and see the same doctor as a member of our government. Good doctors are not auctioned off to the highest bidder and, as was mentioned earlier in the thread, we're not quick to sue.
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Most problems occur when people who don't require emergency medical attention clog the hospital. They use the emergency room to sort out flu symptoms and headaches. Mostly that has to do with our doctor shortage and with the babyboomers growing older and requiring more medical attention.
You can bash Canadian Healthcare all you want, but no matter how much money one has in his/her pocket, he/she is going to receive the same treatment and see the same doctor as a member of our government. Good doctors are not auctioned off to the highest bidder and, as was mentioned earlier in the thread, we're not quick to sue.
Carry on with your discussion...