EJ-22 Recommendation Please


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
2-place Air Command CLT SxS (project), & Twinstarr Autogyro
Total Flight Time
750+hrs and climbing
I know I could post this in the soob forum but I want to query gyro EJ-22 owners.<br><br>I would like to get a recommendation for a carb. and electronic ignition.<br><br>I currently have a holly, unknown model number but it needs to be replaced or rebuilt and I would rather replace it with a new one.<br><br>Engine picture attached.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>
Re: EJ-22 Recommendation Please

I used a 350 CFM Holley 4 barrel and it worked out nicely.  That is what I would recommend.<br><br>jb
Re: EJ-22 Recommendation Please

Would that work on this manfold?
Re:EJ-22 Recommendation Please

We use LINK electro systems EFI here in NZ , the unit looks after both fuel and ignition. This unit is totaly adjustable and has been found to be absolutly reliable it's all I use on the fuel injected gyros I sell. www.autoflight.co.nz

Re:EJ-22 Recommendation Please


I have a stock EJ-22 with fuel injection. Could you give me some more information on the LINK system? Their website won't come up.

Re:EJ-22 Recommendation Please


Whick Link system is most commonly used for our applications?

Re:EJ-22 Recommendation Please

The one that fits your engine! They are made for all Subaru engines and most other car engines. You just need to specify your engine type. There is also a universal one for any application but you must do the wiring, Not difficult!
I'm sorry I don't get on this Forum as much as I would like, teenage kids and computers you know!

Re:EJ-22 Recommendation Please

Neil, you said,"I'm sorry I don't get on this Forum as much as I would like, teenage kids and computers you know!"

What sort of an excuse is that !!!!!!!!!! LOL

Aussie Paul.
Hey Paul it's my turn on the computer again ( kids are at school )
Your gearbox is here should you still want it, looks good too!



Yes Neil, I would love to give it heaps for you with all my training.

Is the arrangement we discussed re the development still the same?

It was sure nice to operate the Sub4 behind the 120 hp ej-20 up to Alice Springs and back.

Just goes to show that all the work during the last few years has given us efficiency and reliability. If the Seating was as comfortable as my car then flying Hybrid to the Alice would be a much easier task than driving. Even with the "not that comfortable" Raf seating the flying was just so relaxing compared to driving. :)

Aussie Paul.

ps. How about the fuel flow meter bottom left sgowing 15.5 lph at 4470 engine rpm on the tacho. All this up at 4990' with 18 US gallons of fuel.
Not much in the way of "Air hostie" service, I had to get the sandwiches out of the cool pack myself!!!!!! LOL.


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Paul, that is better than 4.5 hours per tank. You rule. :cool: What was your air speed?

fuel usage.

fuel usage.

I was using airspeeds from 50kt/57.6 mph to 65 kts/74.8 mph.

I reckon that I was moslty at 55 to 60 kts/63.33 to69.1 mph.

I am sure that the ASI over reads 5mph like all Rafs do.

The Holley carby was using 25 liter per hour and when we put the fuel injection on that came back to 20. Since then we have gotten better at tuning. I think that I said in a previouis post that the average for the trip would be around 18 liters/4.75 US gallons per hour. That includes taxying as well.

This engine is a latish model, brand new from the Soob factory, 120 hp ej-20 sohc engine. It pulls 100 engine rpm less than a half worn out ej-22 with the same redrive and prop.

The current basic engines that come to Oz are both sohc and are the ej-20 @ 134 hp, and the ej-25 @ 167 hp. They have turbo models of these two engines for their sports models etc.

Aussie Paul.