EGT Rotax 912

The carb would feel a lower pressure and automatically lean the mixture as if it was flying at a higher altitude...

At least that's what happened. The Bing64 is a Constant Velocity carb.

The engine went to Norway to Edge Performance. Thomas showed us the filter was the culprit.
I need to think more about that, but Im pretty sure the diaphragm "feels" it's pressure from the atmosphere not in the throat behind the air filter.

Wolfy, take a look at the CV-Carb web PDF document.
It's part one of three. Very readable.

I’m toying with the idea of removing my EGT sensors from a 912, after all with the carb version we have no means to adjust the mixture in flight like we do with the Lycoming or other aircraft engines
I have owned a M16 that I flew to TBO that did not have EGT sensors, with not a days problems, yes it’s nice to have.
What are the thoughts from you guys who fly Rotax 912 with carbs ?
My thinking is we still have CHT & Oil temps,
So what do you do if the EGT rises? Do you add throttle or reduce it? Or do you lower the nose to reduce the power demand on the engine?

If they are an instrument that really has no use and can't provide any useful info....

If the system that you have auto adjusts the mixture, then the EGT sensors are probably a waste of time and weight you don't need in your aircraft.
I'd keep it. It's a 1st look to gauge to see if something is going on. To lean, rich, low oil low coolant, and a line of other things.