easy rider!


Oct 30, 2003
Québec, Canada
airplane, trike, gyro, paramotor...
Total Flight Time
Even a sand bag can pilot an helico! :eek:


  • [RotaryForum.com] - easy rider!
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quadrirotor said:
Even a sand bag can pilot an helico! :eek:
If I am not wrong that is an early Hiller, that rotorhead flew the paddles,which in turn flew the head, it is a super stable machine.
I have heard that stanly Hiller would stand out side of his helicopter while it hovered.


We used to demo sales of new Hillers by adding mobs of weight to the paddles. This made them so stable that the demo consisted of asking the potential buyers Office assistant (usually a lady) to have a go at hovering by using the cyclic to hold it in one place. Of course it was easy as the weights meant it wouldn't go anywhere without a big effort and the sale was made.

I've seen a 12EL (no paddles) hovering with the pilot standing outside reaching in and holding the controls. The Auto stabilisor system was great, except for those single flexible hydraulic hoses to the swash plate which burst occasionally and caused the crashes. Of course there was a safety pilot inside with the duals, however the auto stab system definitly was demoed by this method.

safe flying

That's a ball tearer of a pic in your posts Tony. :D
birdy said:
That's a ball tearer of a pic in your posts Tony. :D

Hi David

The pope's got nothing on me!

Hope you are keeping well - is the current heat and cyclone hitting you out your way?

We're about 36 degrees and 85% + humidity and the machines don't like it!

Enjoy life

No rain ere mate,the poxy clouds just refuse to leak if they ever make the mistake of drifting over this drought stricken *^&$ joint. :mad: Anyway,wot should I expect,I'm liv'n in a bloody desert. :rolleyes:

Its cooler today ,bout 41c and only 30 odd % humid. :) [ and my machines love it. :D ]
Where are you??

Enjoy life???????........... wot else. ;)